Thursday 26 January 2012

Normal Monday turned out to be a very sad day!

So, yesterday I got to work and went on with my work as I normally do on a regular day, except Mondays are  mos always extra busy and 'deurmekaar'. Well, yesterday wasn't that normal. We got some terible news as we got into the ofice, a colleague of us passed away, just like that. How sad is that.

Well, he was shot at his house in the early hours of Monday morning.

What really sadens me more is the fact that so many gossip stories come from an insidence like this, and which is really not necessary.

Yesterday we heard that his house was broken into and that he was shot in his house and today in the newspaper it's a totally different story! Why can't people just leave it, I mean, really, how must the family feel about all of this?

But I am really saddened by all of this. I didn't really know Carlos personally, but I can also say that this was a great person. He was always smilling and always so busy and willing to help. It's sad to loose someone just like that. I pray that God will dry the tears of his family and friends.

Till later chikas.


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