Monday 2 January 2012

2012 wishes!

Taking this opportunity and want to wish everyone a splendid and successful year! This is going to be one fantastic one! I can just feel it! lol!

Well, everyone is going on about the fact that this is the year that the world will come to an end, blah, blah! Can everyone just stop already, it might come to end for you, but not everyone, lol!

On a serious note, let's make this year count by living life, laughing a lot and been loving! This one I stole from my besties, lol, thanks Shilomboleni, Live, Laugh, Love! This is the year. Enjoy it.

I love what their saying on the front page of a local newspaper: Republikein: "Koebaai 2011... en hallo 2012!

Forget about the past, and live for today to make a better future!

Let's rock 2012, I believe that all of us have some dreams and goals for this year. Well, let's strive and try to achieve it.

New year's resolutions, I always joke with my friends by saying or rather asking what that it, lol. Because to me, it's really tough making resolutions, because aaaarrrrrrggggggghhhhhh, it's getting tougher each day especially when you have resolutions, so just set some goals and live your life.

Still, Happy new year's everyone!

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