Wednesday 18 January 2012

Beyond Impressed and proud!!!

So, I've been really searching for a local sport men or woman to write about, but I've made a promise to myself to really feel the person and their achievements, damn and did I get a youngster. Jesse Urikhob is a born Namibian, from Otjiwarongo. He was born on the 19th of March 1991, yes, he's just 20! I had the privilledge of meeting him a few years ago when he was till participating in the school's athletics, cause he was still a school learner, but already a start!

I can remember this day as it was yesterday, because I was at the competition that day, went to support a cousin of mine and then we watched this magificent race, and I was like, OMW, this ka-boy is like lightning (well, not really), but he was super fast.

A little piece of what he said about all of this, smilling and quite shy, lol:

“I was running as an under-13 in the north of the country. I was barefoot but I managed to win both the 100m and 200m events. Since then I’ve been hooked on running,”

Well, he's quite a runner indeed and making so many Namibians proud. I can just imagine how his family must feel.

His personal best time for the 100m sprint is 10.42 seconds, which is hell fast, believe me people. I watch this guy run most of the time, because I've made a promise to myself to support our local sport, doesn't matter what, because our guys need the moral support.

I love this picture, it really looks like his struggling to get around that bent, but boy oh boy, this was the proper run where he improved his personal best time in Mozambique. All in action!!!

His dream, aim, goal (whatever you want to call it) for this year is to qualify for the Olympic games. And am really praying, holding thumbs, doing all the juju, lmfga, for him to really make it. The exposure and the experience will just do him good. And I believe that everyone needs that boast.

A warming up moment for him! So concentrated and so focus. You go boy, just remember that a lot of people are behind you and we're proud of you! I am indeed very proud!!!!!

Till next time chikas.



  1. Looks like he's flying in some of the pics!

  2. It really looks that way! You should join me one day! I know that their running again the 25th of February at the Independence stadium.

  3. Beautiful indeed...a beautiful soul too
