Tuesday 17 January 2012

1 year anniversary party of a friend of mine!

So, these two love birds succesfully and safely made it through one year, lol! I know Richie will kick my ass after he reads this, but am so proud of you two, really!!!

As I said Saturday, normally you will make the excuse to say that you were too drunk, and then apologise for what you did, but for the past year with these two, I've come to learn a new one: "I was too sober my friend and am sorry." - Richie Vries!!!

We had such an amazing time, just a bunch of friends together and celebrating what these two have accomplished in the past year together!!!!

Well, I had to get rid of my shoes, cause they were hurting me, lol, hence the reason I was barefoot most of the time, lol.

Max and Mariana was also present, all smiles and happy. I can't remember when last I saw Max and I was so damn happy to see him there as well. It was really just a wonderful get together!!!

Greatia came from CPT earlier that day and Felicity got of the bus to Mariental to spend the day with us and it was all worth it. So much fun and enjoyment and getting to spend some time together again after quite some time. The three of us come a long way, Grade 6, if I am not mistaken, lol.

We had a walking bar men, lol, Uwe, you were just great!!!. He was just wonderful, filling your glass just when it gets empty, lol. It was well organised and very entertaining.

 I wanna wish the two love birds all the best for the future and rather trust and listen to each other, before trying to listen to other people.

As I always say: Keep your issues in the bedroom, cause your friends and the people out there only knows what you're telling them. All the best my friendes, am proud of you!

Till laters chickas.


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