Friday 27 January 2012

Both my favoured Tennis players didn't make it to the finals: Aus open 2012

So, the Australian open is currently on the finals now and my players just missed playing the finals. Last night Sharapova played Kvitova and it was indeed a nail biting game. With 10 double faults by Sharapova. Kvitova is my girl, she's from the Czech Republic, playing some fantastic Tennis.

There was that one time where she got so irritated and frustrated, but at that time I fully understood her:

You didn't make it to the final dearest, but you're still my number 1 woman Tennis player in the world. Love your games. But Sharapova was just the strongest and she kept fighting in order to make it to the finals.
And she finally defeated my lovely Kvitova.

So, the men also played last night round about 7:30, Nadal vs Federer. Now you need to understand, I can't stand Nadal. He just has this witty and all braggish attitude which is totally irritating me.

But he is a fighter and he fights till the last minute. A tough start with the first set 7-6 for Federer and I so had hope! Nadal just fought harder the second and third set, and gaboom, he won and he will be playing the finals. That should be some fantastic Tennis on Sunday, can't wait.

That's my man, just look at the precision of that move and the concentration! Next time my man, next time we'll nail him, lol.

I would've done the same after that long, tiring and exhausting game. Congratulations Nadal! Fantastic win and a fantastic game you two boys gave us.

Well, I will be moving over this weekend, so it's going to be one hectic weekend. Will see you guys soon, I sure need to get my DSTV connected as soon as everything is set, because I really can't miss the finals.

Till next time chikas!


Thursday 26 January 2012

Normal Monday turned out to be a very sad day!

So, yesterday I got to work and went on with my work as I normally do on a regular day, except Mondays are  mos always extra busy and 'deurmekaar'. Well, yesterday wasn't that normal. We got some terible news as we got into the ofice, a colleague of us passed away, just like that. How sad is that.

Well, he was shot at his house in the early hours of Monday morning.

What really sadens me more is the fact that so many gossip stories come from an insidence like this, and which is really not necessary.

Yesterday we heard that his house was broken into and that he was shot in his house and today in the newspaper it's a totally different story! Why can't people just leave it, I mean, really, how must the family feel about all of this?

But I am really saddened by all of this. I didn't really know Carlos personally, but I can also say that this was a great person. He was always smilling and always so busy and willing to help. It's sad to loose someone just like that. I pray that God will dry the tears of his family and friends.

Till later chikas.


Monday 23 January 2012

Am really shocked at the moment: Heidi and Seal's separation!!!

I really think, my personal opinion is that these two really makes a good couple. But this might also be because of the fact that I am 100% in support of inter-racial couples and marriages. Just look at how cute these two look:

This is what the couple said in a statement about their seperation:

"While we have enjoyed seven very loving, loyal and happy years of marriage, after much soul-searching we have decided to separate," the supermodel and Grammy-winning singer said.
"We have had the deepest respect for one another throughout our relationship and continue to love each other very much, but we have grown apart," the statement said. "This is an amicable process and protecting the well-being of our children remains our top priority, especially during this time of transition.”

Read more:

It is really sad and I was shocked when I've heard about this on Saturday!

These are the pictures they took just a weekend before their seperation, and still they looked so happy and so damn cute together. But there is a phrase, "don't be fooled by how the people look and pretend in public, thus don't want to be jealous about people's life, because you don't know what they're going through and what it takes for them to be and live the way they do". Just a heads up again!

This profile was like 2 months ago when they were featuring on the front page of ELLE magazine. Now their seperating. Sad!!!!

ciao ciao chikas, till next time.


Wednesday 18 January 2012

Rural schools perform best in Grade 12!!!

Ok, so this morning I was proud, shocked and amuzed by what I saw on the front page of the daily local newspaper: Namibian.

Now, I want anyone to come and tell me that it's not possible! The I will give you a moerse klap, lol.

So proud of these learners. With the lack of facilities, but you've made it, keep it up!

Natasha Kameeta, well done dear, and with that attitude you have a bright future ahead of you, keep the good work coming, lol.


Till nex time chikas.


Beyond Impressed and proud!!!

So, I've been really searching for a local sport men or woman to write about, but I've made a promise to myself to really feel the person and their achievements, damn and did I get a youngster. Jesse Urikhob is a born Namibian, from Otjiwarongo. He was born on the 19th of March 1991, yes, he's just 20! I had the privilledge of meeting him a few years ago when he was till participating in the school's athletics, cause he was still a school learner, but already a start!

I can remember this day as it was yesterday, because I was at the competition that day, went to support a cousin of mine and then we watched this magificent race, and I was like, OMW, this ka-boy is like lightning (well, not really), but he was super fast.

A little piece of what he said about all of this, smilling and quite shy, lol:

“I was running as an under-13 in the north of the country. I was barefoot but I managed to win both the 100m and 200m events. Since then I’ve been hooked on running,”

Well, he's quite a runner indeed and making so many Namibians proud. I can just imagine how his family must feel.

His personal best time for the 100m sprint is 10.42 seconds, which is hell fast, believe me people. I watch this guy run most of the time, because I've made a promise to myself to support our local sport, doesn't matter what, because our guys need the moral support.

I love this picture, it really looks like his struggling to get around that bent, but boy oh boy, this was the proper run where he improved his personal best time in Mozambique. All in action!!!

His dream, aim, goal (whatever you want to call it) for this year is to qualify for the Olympic games. And am really praying, holding thumbs, doing all the juju, lmfga, for him to really make it. The exposure and the experience will just do him good. And I believe that everyone needs that boast.

A warming up moment for him! So concentrated and so focus. You go boy, just remember that a lot of people are behind you and we're proud of you! I am indeed very proud!!!!!

Till next time chikas.


Tuesday 17 January 2012

Running you own race!!!

Enjoy your own race and run it to the fullest!!!

A few months ago, I was out running (jogging) through my neighborhood. I had about a kilometer to go on my path before I needed to turn off when I noticed a man about a half of a kilo in front of me. I could tell he was running a little bit slower than me and I thought to myself, "Good, I'll try to catch him." So I started running faster and faster. With every block, I could tell I was gaining on him just a little bit. A few minutes later, I was only about quarter kilo away, so I really picked up the pace and started pushing it. I was so determined to catch up with him that you would have thought I was in the last leg of the Olympic Games! Finally, I caught up to him and passed him.

On the inside, I felt so good that I had beaten him. (Of course, he didn't even know 'we' were racing.) But when I got my mind back on what I was doing, I realized I had missed my turn. I was so caught up in trying to beat this man I didn't even know that I went nearly six streets further than I was supposed to. I had to turn around and go all the way back.

Isn't that what happens in life sometimes? Maybe we're trying to catch up with someone else - a neighbor, friend or coworker. We get so wrapped up in the competition trying to outdo them, out dress them, or trying to prove that we're more important. We spend all this time and energy going down that path when we should be using it to move toward our own God-given destiny!

If that's you today, realize that your life would go to a whole new level if you would just quit competing with everyone around you. It takes a lot of physical and emotional energy to try to impress people all day long. But it's very freeing to say, "I don't have to impress anybody today. I have nothing to prove. I'm secure in who I am. And I am not going to feel bad if you look better, make more money, or get more recognition. I don't have to keep up with you;
I'm going to run my own race

Get free from comparison today so that you can move forward into the
destiny God has in store for you!

1 year anniversary party of a friend of mine!

So, these two love birds succesfully and safely made it through one year, lol! I know Richie will kick my ass after he reads this, but am so proud of you two, really!!!

As I said Saturday, normally you will make the excuse to say that you were too drunk, and then apologise for what you did, but for the past year with these two, I've come to learn a new one: "I was too sober my friend and am sorry." - Richie Vries!!!

We had such an amazing time, just a bunch of friends together and celebrating what these two have accomplished in the past year together!!!!

Well, I had to get rid of my shoes, cause they were hurting me, lol, hence the reason I was barefoot most of the time, lol.

Max and Mariana was also present, all smiles and happy. I can't remember when last I saw Max and I was so damn happy to see him there as well. It was really just a wonderful get together!!!

Greatia came from CPT earlier that day and Felicity got of the bus to Mariental to spend the day with us and it was all worth it. So much fun and enjoyment and getting to spend some time together again after quite some time. The three of us come a long way, Grade 6, if I am not mistaken, lol.

We had a walking bar men, lol, Uwe, you were just great!!!. He was just wonderful, filling your glass just when it gets empty, lol. It was well organised and very entertaining.

 I wanna wish the two love birds all the best for the future and rather trust and listen to each other, before trying to listen to other people.

As I always say: Keep your issues in the bedroom, cause your friends and the people out there only knows what you're telling them. All the best my friendes, am proud of you!

Till laters chickas.


Weekend in Kalahari Sands, Thanks to my Aunts!!!

It was a fantastic suprise to get a call from my aunts inviting me to spend the weekend with them in the Kalahari Sands Hotel in Windhoek. I had a fully packed schedule, but I wouldn't have declined that invite, lol. I love the Kalahari Sands, because of the very cool and relaxing atmosphere and always wanted to go check it out again after the Hilton experience.

This is the view from our room, and there you can see the Hilton hotel! Fantastic and beuatiful view though!

Just a peak of my room! I loved the whole setup, all executive room stuff, lol! So felt good!

Compliments from my two lovely aunts! I really love them and totally enjoyed the treat! The way everything was so wow and special! Thanx again!

Just loved the different paintings in the corridors. The quality and the umph of everything was just amazing. This is all after the revamp of the hotel! A lot of changes I must say and their spa environment is to die for. I just loved every single second been in those rooms, feeling, smelling and experience the tranquilance. The girlies was wonderful.

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Berny's bday - yeah, 10th of January lol!

Fantastic person, lovely personality and I still think she missed her career turn off, lol. This woman is one of a kind.

This is in her kitchen, she was cooking dinner and obviously, Uda and myself were sitting with some ice cold 061 Lager. Fabulous evening and good company. We had so much fun, actually laughed ourselves to a stand still everytime.

I wish my friend a fantastic year ahead. She just deserves the best in this world, cause of who and what she is.

We've met a few years ago, very randomly, lol, let me give you some brief explanation as to how we've met:

One morning on my way to school, yeah, was still studying, the 14th of April 2006, I was walking to school when this woman drove passed me and hooted and waived as if we've knowm each other. And I just waived back with a big smile. She was still driving a red opel corsa, but the small once. It went on like that for like a month I guess and the one day she stopped and just offered me a lift out of the blue and for a student that was just a fantastic gesture and I so enjoyed that ride. And the rest is history as they say. But I don't regret been friends with her ever since. Through thick and thin. Just love you Bernadette Swartz.

So yeah, we had so much fun last night.


Monday 9 January 2012

Weekend that was! Oh so quiet!

This was one quiet and relaxing weekend. Was home with alex and slept most of the time. My body so needed the rest! And I feel quite revitalised and fresh today! But I still think that one should start working at 12:00, because the mornings are forever such a drag! I hate mornings and especially Monday mornings.

Well, a lot of this a bit later, it's a typical Monday today!



Wednesday 4 January 2012

I am love with the BlackBerry 9900 Touch!

As you would remember, I am a BlackBerry freak and I just love the new edition to the family, the BlackBerry 9900!

The phone is slimmer than slim, which is totally fantastic. I love the shape, as one has a firm grip on the phone.

The fact that this is a touch and qwerty phone is out of this world. There is no need to slide or flip to use the other fuction, it's all just there, heheehehe. Isn't that great.

The time will come and I can feel it in my soul that it will be sooner then inticipated for me to get this phone. I just love everything about it.

Shape specs:

Dimensions115 x 66 x 10.5 mm
Weight130 g
- Touch-sensitive controls

Just got to love it.

ciao chickas till next time.


Monday 2 January 2012

2012 wishes!

Taking this opportunity and want to wish everyone a splendid and successful year! This is going to be one fantastic one! I can just feel it! lol!

Well, everyone is going on about the fact that this is the year that the world will come to an end, blah, blah! Can everyone just stop already, it might come to end for you, but not everyone, lol!

On a serious note, let's make this year count by living life, laughing a lot and been loving! This one I stole from my besties, lol, thanks Shilomboleni, Live, Laugh, Love! This is the year. Enjoy it.

I love what their saying on the front page of a local newspaper: Republikein: "Koebaai 2011... en hallo 2012!

Forget about the past, and live for today to make a better future!

Let's rock 2012, I believe that all of us have some dreams and goals for this year. Well, let's strive and try to achieve it.

New year's resolutions, I always joke with my friends by saying or rather asking what that it, lol. Because to me, it's really tough making resolutions, because aaaarrrrrrggggggghhhhhh, it's getting tougher each day especially when you have resolutions, so just set some goals and live your life.

Still, Happy new year's everyone!

Home town: M'tal it was!

The heat of that place is still killing!

So, Saturday morning, the last day of 2011, I've decided to drive down to my home town. I've missed my granny so much and then just got into my car and drove. It was a dreadfull drive, as I went out with my besties the previous night, Fiday!. So, the partying was cray cray. I was still a bit sick, but decided to push through and drive down.

Nothing changed, lol! Og, I love that town too bits, but there's just one thing that I can't stand, the fact that everything is still the same way I left it about a year ago. And that's exactly the way I left it about 6 years ago. It is really way too much.

I should've taken some pics, but decided not to waste my camera space, lol.

Well, the rest of the weekend I was just home, spent time with fam and granny ofcourse. It was still a fantastic weekend and I had a lot of fun, but also couldn't wait to get back to Windhoek. The heat was unbearable, it was beyond quiet and there was not really much to do.

Well, next time, I can't promise when that will be, I will definately take some pics and upload.

ciao for now chikas.
