Tuesday 10 April 2012

Monday after the long and hectic weekend!

Hannes Brown a friend of mine invited us (Uda, Meredith and myself) over for the Monday to enjoy a cozy and relaxed day at his house, just to kind of end off the weekend. No intentions to have a heavy and hectic day. But knowing us, I knew that things would get hectic!

That's my friend Hannes, we really just decided to sit outside and enjoy a wonderful day! This was just a few minutes after we got to his house, so we still look kind of fresh, lol.
Me & Hannes
Some of the people that enjoyed the day with us. We had so much fun and the way we laughed was just rediculous, but it was awesome.

Sureya, Me, Meredith, Uda & Grant
 I love Uda so much, cause she's always the one making sure that the food gets ready to be served, lag. Always either in the kitchen or with pots, but damn, she can prepare a mean dish. Whenever she's the chef for the day, everyone can rest be at ease, cause then you know that you'll be blown away.

 Okay, I really don't know when this specific photo were taken, but it sure looks as if we're posing, but we're not. I am just always ready and prepared for a "snaps". And yes, we were having some drinks to cool off and yeah it was wonderful. The three mascateers, lollies!

This is how it looked like just after a few hours and it still wasn't the end, lag. We left Hannes' place round about 23:30 or something, I really can't remember, cause I wasn't really myself at some point. But I can remember that we definately didn't leave before 23:00, lag.

Today is going to be a very bad day and I am praying that this day must just fly by, cause I feel very tired and a bit sick, lag.

Till next time chickas.


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