Saturday 7 April 2012

Meredith in WHK!

So, it's easter weekend. Meredith, a friend of mine from Cape Town landed Wednesday for the long weekend.
Me & Meredith
We've planned a hectic weekend for her. So, it already started the Thursday afternoon after work. Just decided to chill and catch up a bit at home before the night begins. As always, be prepared when there's a night outing planned with Uda and myself. So, Meredith decided to drink a bit of water before we start, lag. We spoke about literally everything and really had a lot of fun.

Meredith drinking some water before the party begins
We've been to one entertainment place called "Chill Out", well no pictures of that place, because when we got there I was almost sloshed already. And believe me, I don't risk taking pictures in that state, lag.

This is the morning after. Greatia as always after a night out, has a "darkies" on. Poor eyes couldn't stand the sun, but it wasn't the end of the weekend. We just had to get ready in order to join the fam at the "Paaltjies" for our family braai.

Greatia & Maredith at the back

Till next time chickas.


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