Monday 2 April 2012

Crazy, unplanned weekend turned out to be a bomb!

This past weekend was just one crazy weekend. I've decided to just go home Friday afternoon after work and just go rest, as I woke up a bit sick.

It started off great, as I went home and was just relaxing, cause that's what I was planning, to sit home and just be lazy, until George called me and asked whether they can come over just for a few drinks.

We started off with a few beer, which was great and of course, that's the smokers corner, lag.

Junior (Fluffy) & George
My besties got home and also just wanted to relax, as you can see in the picture below with what's she's wearing!
We ended up showing off some dance move on some old school jams, but it was pumping in our little flat, but we were having such a great time.

We then ended up in a club, all with persuasion of Uda. Og, that one dearest friend of mine ended up having such a great time. I sersiouly can't remember the rest of the night and that's the reason the pictured ended at the flat. ***HIDES****

But at the end of the day what counts is that fact that we had a lot of fun!

Till next time chikas.


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