Monday 9 April 2012

A day with fantastic people!!!

I have met the best family ever, and the best people in my life at the moment, after my fam (ofcourse), lollies!!!

These 4 sisters are just everything in my life, and they're just so supportive and really fantastic people.

We were having some fun at "Paaltjies", what an awesome place to just go and have fun with your company and just enjoy yourself.

The crazy 4! Julia is such an amazing person and I love her as a bigger sister, always there to repremant, but only when needed and then she's a jolly person when it comes to having fun. Benita (Loup Loup), lol, the baby, but so sweet and so genuine!!!

 And then again my flatmate, Uda, what an amazing person to have fun with, partner in crime obviously, but also the biggest realist that I know thus far. She'll kick my "ass" to the other side of a situation, and I love her too bits.
Julia, Myself
 Then, our ousie (Nelly), she's the eldest and Julia!

Nelly, Myself

We had to take a crazy picture! Cara and Udalicious.
It was one amazing day and we had so much fun. It's always so refreshing and worth it to spend time with wonderful and amazing people. I love you guys too bits.

Till later chikas.


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