Thursday 26 April 2012

Birthday bash of Song Night!!!

First time I've actually went to the song night event with absolutely no expectations and wow, was I blown away!!!

Everyone that performed were just amazing, a few stood out and suprised me, but overall it was a wonderful evening. I can't thank my dear friend Lize enough for organizing and steering this event, she is just doing an amazing job. Thanks sweetheart:

She's really just one fantastically amazing person, lollies. Mwah, love you too bits my dear. Rock that one in a million personality.

We started off with a group of young, yet talented group of people. They were just amazing, the different voices that we got out of that group was just out of this world. The way they carried themselves and the way they've heated up the room, a great way to start a night of sensational singing. I think the group is known as Voices something, lollies, sorry didn't get that.

Who would've known that the following two could ever sing together. Sade and Persey! That combination is a winning one, OMW, I was stunned. The way Sade grew, that's what I enjoy about song night, these people go out of their ways every month to give a rocking performance. It was amazing, I've enjoyed every minute of it. Persey still a bit very shy in that performance, no connection with his crowd, but boy oh boy, can he sing? (Are you really still asking, lag).

They were followed by two very talented Angolans (Sorry again, didn't get their name), they were fantastic, what actually blew me a away was the language, lol. They've sang an Angolan song, magnificent.

Christopher, obviously had a very good performance himself. Still think that it was the best (my opinion though). I was actually a bit tipsy by this time already, but my judgements are still on point as always ofcourse. 

I want to say so much about Sean Kamati, look ne, this boy is so talented and so versatile, you will not understand. He is such a remarkable dancer, this boy will make your body want to move, the way he dances and then he has this signal voice. Blows me away everytime, as he also challenges himself everytime.  

Do you see a difference? Okay forget about the people, look deeper, Yes, it's Persey and Sade again, but just look and see whether you can see a difference this time.

They sang the last song last night, and yes, he's focusing and feeding off the audience. Powerful performace and dammit, that voice, it was just amazing. 

They've rocked that stage baby. Killing performance!!! The passion and feel they gave us with that performance, out of this world.

I am dreaming and hoping  of having a song night one Saturday and having the whole of Namibia there, just to experience this raw talent, amazing how these people blows away the crowd.
OK, maybe not the whole of Namibia, but the whole of Windhoek.

Till next time chickas.


Brangelina – Finally Engaged!

No, it's not my sexiest couple and still don't think they're the cutest couple, absolutely not, I mean, there is Kate and William, Mariah and Nick (well their hot couples), so no, but I love Angelina Jolie a lot. She's my all time favoured actrist, yes, there I am agreeing with you!

But yes, coming to the point, they are engaged, lol. Am happy for them, even though I just think that it's not necessary to get married (my personal view), and yes, I understand that it was kind of pressure from the kids (lol), but yeah.

They do look very good together and I love the fact that they're doing all the good work and I am full support of their adoptions, the charity works and the fact that Angie is a humanitarian. Well done Brangelina, you guys do rock though, lollies.

Spotted at the Los Angeles Country Museum of Art's - Chinese Galleries with their son Pax. Well, look closely, can you see the ring? Well, a rep of a jeweler confirmed that it is indeed an engagement ring. It's a damn rock if you ask me, costing about $500,000, mwahahahahahaah!

As usual, we want to sniff and find out the latest in order to know what's happening and tog be able to chat to your friends about these things or is it just me? :)

Well, rumours are flying around that the couple will exchange vows this summer aboard one of the most luxurious yachts in the world, the 'Octopus'.

Let me quickly refresh your memory that this baby was docked at our own local port of Walvis Bay in September 2011. This ship is owned by the co-founder of Microsoft, Paul Allen. The yacht boasts of two helicopter pads, a private cinema, a basketball court and a crew of 60. It would be quite a private ceremony if you ask me, 'cause they can exchange their vows at any point of a cruise on the waters and privately from the paparazzi.

Till next time chikas.


Wednesday 25 April 2012

Suprise, Suprise, Charlene!!!!

Saturday afternoon I went to join some of the NBL crew, a small group though. They've planned a suprise bday party for a beautiful and very awesome lady.

This is one amazing person and with such a genuine heart and appreciation for everything. Well, I must also say that the party was organized fantastically, 'cause she didn't know anything about it (Was a suprise, lag). It was really a complete suprise to her.

Entrance to the party. "Julle, ek sal tog nou 'amborstig' word, lag!, Ek glo dit nie" in Charlene's voice.

Thanx a million to Shanon who was the organizer of the whole thing and the whole crew who almost blew it, but kept their pose. Still can't believe that my dearest friend, flatmate and partner in crime kept it a secret, lol. (Love you Uda!)
Charlene (bday gal) & Shanon
 Obviously, this was still very early, as the sun was still shinning and Charlene was still trying to figure out as to how they kept their pose and when, where and how the whole thing was organized.

 Some pickies of the whole party scene and what everyone was up to!

Believe it or not, but all the ideas of these pics below was also Shanon's, some he took himself and some was taken by other people. 

The cellphone star creativity was completely Shanon's idea. Where he got the time and the energy to pack the phones like that and still take a picture is just beyond me, 'cause obviously and as usual I was somewhere else and totally enjoying some alcohol.

Just look at the whole star formation. it's pretty though, but really at a party and the fact that it was Shanon, kwaaaaaaak! "Het my tog weg gegooi".

Bday gal and Ulla
"Ulla, and you were also part of this?" (In Charlene's voice), I can't believe you!!! lag!

Well, I knew that the next morning was going to be rough, but when I woke up Sunday, I really felt bad. The hangover was so extreme, I was in bed the whole day. Thanks to Ulla and all her "konkoksies", all of them was just delicious, but the pain was even worst.

Till next time chikas.


Tuesday 10 April 2012

Monday after the long and hectic weekend!

Hannes Brown a friend of mine invited us (Uda, Meredith and myself) over for the Monday to enjoy a cozy and relaxed day at his house, just to kind of end off the weekend. No intentions to have a heavy and hectic day. But knowing us, I knew that things would get hectic!

That's my friend Hannes, we really just decided to sit outside and enjoy a wonderful day! This was just a few minutes after we got to his house, so we still look kind of fresh, lol.
Me & Hannes
Some of the people that enjoyed the day with us. We had so much fun and the way we laughed was just rediculous, but it was awesome.

Sureya, Me, Meredith, Uda & Grant
 I love Uda so much, cause she's always the one making sure that the food gets ready to be served, lag. Always either in the kitchen or with pots, but damn, she can prepare a mean dish. Whenever she's the chef for the day, everyone can rest be at ease, cause then you know that you'll be blown away.

 Okay, I really don't know when this specific photo were taken, but it sure looks as if we're posing, but we're not. I am just always ready and prepared for a "snaps". And yes, we were having some drinks to cool off and yeah it was wonderful. The three mascateers, lollies!

This is how it looked like just after a few hours and it still wasn't the end, lag. We left Hannes' place round about 23:30 or something, I really can't remember, cause I wasn't really myself at some point. But I can remember that we definately didn't leave before 23:00, lag.

Today is going to be a very bad day and I am praying that this day must just fly by, cause I feel very tired and a bit sick, lag.

Till next time chickas.


Monday 9 April 2012

A day with fantastic people!!!

I have met the best family ever, and the best people in my life at the moment, after my fam (ofcourse), lollies!!!

These 4 sisters are just everything in my life, and they're just so supportive and really fantastic people.

We were having some fun at "Paaltjies", what an awesome place to just go and have fun with your company and just enjoy yourself.

The crazy 4! Julia is such an amazing person and I love her as a bigger sister, always there to repremant, but only when needed and then she's a jolly person when it comes to having fun. Benita (Loup Loup), lol, the baby, but so sweet and so genuine!!!

 And then again my flatmate, Uda, what an amazing person to have fun with, partner in crime obviously, but also the biggest realist that I know thus far. She'll kick my "ass" to the other side of a situation, and I love her too bits.
Julia, Myself
 Then, our ousie (Nelly), she's the eldest and Julia!

Nelly, Myself

We had to take a crazy picture! Cara and Udalicious.
It was one amazing day and we had so much fun. It's always so refreshing and worth it to spend time with wonderful and amazing people. I love you guys too bits.

Till later chikas.


Saturday 7 April 2012

Meredith in WHK!

So, it's easter weekend. Meredith, a friend of mine from Cape Town landed Wednesday for the long weekend.
Me & Meredith
We've planned a hectic weekend for her. So, it already started the Thursday afternoon after work. Just decided to chill and catch up a bit at home before the night begins. As always, be prepared when there's a night outing planned with Uda and myself. So, Meredith decided to drink a bit of water before we start, lag. We spoke about literally everything and really had a lot of fun.

Meredith drinking some water before the party begins
We've been to one entertainment place called "Chill Out", well no pictures of that place, because when we got there I was almost sloshed already. And believe me, I don't risk taking pictures in that state, lag.

This is the morning after. Greatia as always after a night out, has a "darkies" on. Poor eyes couldn't stand the sun, but it wasn't the end of the weekend. We just had to get ready in order to join the fam at the "Paaltjies" for our family braai.

Greatia & Maredith at the back

Till next time chickas.
