Monday 22 October 2012

Mediclinic Fun Walk/Run In aid of breast cancer...

This past weekend (Saturday), a friend and myself decided to do the walk/run in aid of breast cancer.

Myself, Mariana & Greatia

It was really just a fun and enjoyable day and I must say we had a lot of fun. We've registered for the 10km walk, but we arrived late at the starting point and unfortunately had to settle for the 5km walk.

Greatia almost at the finish line.
We were enjoying every single meter and second as we were walking and jogging the 5km distance. It was actually a blessing in diguised, while we were approaching the finish line, we've realised that we would've never been able to finish the 10km distance, as we were tired and totally flat when we've reached the finish line. But still we did it with very good motivation and we were just very happy that we took part in this walk.
Am very sorry for the poor pictures and the not so clear once, was using my iPhone as I didn't have my camera with me, lol. Everyone was enjoying the race and everyone was in a very cool spirit.

Something totally different from what we would normally do on Saturday mornings and it was good, as we've met quite a few different people and had quite some good chats.

Greatia at the finish line

Myself, also finished the race.
We've finished the race in quite some good time, well, it wasn't really that kind of race, but we've decided to make it about that, lol.

After we cooled down and felt better after the walk, we've decided to have a beer, lol. That will only be Greatia and myself, but damn that beer tasted fantastic.

And that's how our Saturday started and believe me, it surely didn't end there and the rest of the Saturday was still infront of us.

It was so much fun and I want to thank Mediclinic and their crew with the cancer association and all the volunteers who made the 2012 Mediclinic Fun Walk/Run such a great success. It was indeed worth waking up at 6 on a Saturday morning.

Till next time chikas.


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