Yes, and if you didn't know or heard, Eve, the American Grammy Award winning rapper-songwriter, record producer and actress was in town, yes, in Windhoek, Namibia and she rocked, lol.
So, we were a fantastic crew that was working at the bar and totally enjoying ourselves. All of us had to wear those big Heineken T-shirts, well it came in quite handy later the evening as it got colder, but I settled for walking around in my white T-shirt instead, lag.
Well, we obviously had a lot of fun. We were just the bombs behind the bar and totally gave customer service, I think we would've been rich if we were to get commission, lollies. Well done my friends and I appreciate the fact that you guys were willing to help!!!
Eve's performance was fantastic and I was blown away and totally enjoyed every second of it. This girl/woman is just talented and the way she raps. Damn good.
I seriously can't wait for Eve to release a new album, 'cause I really think it's about time, but evens, her music is still good and I've totally enjoy her music still.
Till next time chickas.
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