Monday 1 October 2012

EVE in Windhoek...

Last week a friend and team mate from my hockey team asked me whether I would like to help out at the bar for Eve show, and I was think why not. So, I have asked a few friends of mine as well whether they would join, and everyone was just thrilled to assist.

Yes, and if you didn't know or heard, Eve, the American Grammy Award winning rapper-songwriter, record producer and actress was in town, yes, in Windhoek, Namibia and she rocked, lol.

So, we were a fantastic crew that was working at the bar and totally enjoying ourselves. All of us had to wear those big Heineken T-shirts, well it came in quite handy later the evening as it got colder, but I settled for walking around in my white T-shirt instead, lag.

Well, we obviously had a lot of fun. We were just the bombs behind the bar and totally gave customer service, I think we would've been rich if we were to get commission, lollies. Well done my friends and I appreciate the fact that you guys were willing to help!!!

Eve's performance was fantastic and I was blown away and totally enjoyed every second of it. This girl/woman is just talented and the way she raps. Damn good.

I seriously can't wait for Eve to release a new album, 'cause I really think it's about time, but evens, her music is still good and I've totally enjoy her music still.

Till next time chickas. 


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