Thursday 1 November 2012

Hectic times, this time of the year!

Good morning friends and followers. I am still alive, very busy though. I am really sorry that I haven't had time to give you some posts on what's been happening and what's been going on, but yeah, it's that time of the year where everything is urgent and everyone want things to be done.
My question always this time of the year, what have you been doing the whole year that all projects, enhancements, changes and upgrades needs to be done this time of the year. This is just plane poor planning and time management, but yeah, all part of life and work.
So, I've been working my @ss off the past few weeks, and literally. I am a very need and tidy person, and sometimes quite organised, but I think I am loosing it. The way I don't know what to do and which task is the most important or the most urgent. It's killing me, but am still alive and coping chikas.
Well, for the past few weeks, this is how my cupicle and desk looks like every freaken day, and some days I even leave my desk like this when I knock off to go home. Just crazy.

I sure need a vacation and a long one, lol. But for now I will just have to cope and do what I can do in order to keep my desk clean and at least get everything under control.
So, now you have it and I hope you understand as to why I am a bit quiet or have been quiet for the past few weeks.
Till next time chikas.

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