Monday 23 June 2014

The weekend that was...

The past weekend was one hell of a one, I must say. It was amazing, the people I've met, the company, surrounding and the food, just mere fabulously, loved and enjoyed every moment.

Saturday, Bronwyn and myself decided to go for lunch a The Olive Exclusive in Windhoek, fabulous I must say. The atmosphere of that beauty in Klein Windhoek is just a gem.

This was the view from where we were sitting, with fast and professional service, this is just a place that makes everything disappear in thin air. All you can do is enjoy every second.

We started off with an amazing glass of wine. Scaramanga, it is called, if am not mistaken, but so damn divine. Just look at the view guys, isn't it great???

I am very bad for not remember the name of this 'lekker' dish. It was very well prepared and was so damn filling as well… I still told Bronwyn that this is something that one can try at home when one can get the recipe, lol. Just imagine you prepare this for some friends and have a leaker house lunch/dinner something, lol. I can just imagine how some of my friends will rave about the dish.

Some extra picture that I've squeezed in, it was really an amazing time… I've missed most of my other appointments and plans of the rest of the Saturday, but no regrets, had a lot of fun and at the end of the day it was so damn worth it.

I would advise all of you my chickas to this place out, you'll not regret it one second.

Detail of The Olive Exclusive:

Corner of Promenaden Road and Ngami Street
(Entrance in Ngami Street)
061 - 23 9199

Go check out The Olive Exclusive

Till later chickas.


Pictures taken by myself and Bronwyn Moody, Pictures of The Olive Exclusive

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