Wednesday 18 June 2014

Sleep, Sleep, Sleep...

For the past month or so, I've been struggling to sleep. So, I did some research in order to try and find out what the hell is wrong.

Insomnia is the word that everyone has been throwing around when they're struggling to sleep, so I've decided to do a little research around the condition or disease or whatever you want to call it.

Definition of Insomnia:

Insomnia or sleeplessness, is a sleep disorder in which there is an inability to fall asleep or to stay asleep as long as desired.

Well, I don't have a desire to sleep, lol. I need to sleep, because am extremely exhausted and at this point of time it's really affecting my ability to concentrate and I have a constant headache, I even start with a headache everyday.

So, I went a little further with my research and found out what the symptoms might be and to my shock, I got to this, crazy stuff. Some of the symptoms:

- Difficulty falling asleep at night
- Awakening during the night
- Awakening too early
- Not feeling well rested after a night's sleep
- Irritability, depression or anxiety

And I've realised, damn, there certainly is something wrong with me, 'cause all of the abovementioned symptoms and the rest on the website is exactly what am experiencing.

I've been wondering whether I should see a doctor, lol. But also thought nah, it's maybe not that serious, but then I got this information aswell and realised, maybe it's time to see a doctor now:

When to see a Doctor?
If insomnia makes it hard for you to function during the day, see your doctor to determine what might be the cause of your sleep problem and how it can be treated.

They're even indicating that one might be send to a sleeping center for special tests in order to determine what the real cause is. "Now it's becoming scary"

If you are experiencing some sleep trouble, please do yourself a favour and read the following. Some very vital information and causes that might cause the reason for sleep trouble or problems.

Hope this is helpful to someone, I certainly need to go see my doctor in order to determine as to what my cause is and how it can be treated.

Till later chickas!!!


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