Monday 23 June 2014

The weekend that was...

The past weekend was one hell of a one, I must say. It was amazing, the people I've met, the company, surrounding and the food, just mere fabulously, loved and enjoyed every moment.

Saturday, Bronwyn and myself decided to go for lunch a The Olive Exclusive in Windhoek, fabulous I must say. The atmosphere of that beauty in Klein Windhoek is just a gem.

This was the view from where we were sitting, with fast and professional service, this is just a place that makes everything disappear in thin air. All you can do is enjoy every second.

We started off with an amazing glass of wine. Scaramanga, it is called, if am not mistaken, but so damn divine. Just look at the view guys, isn't it great???

I am very bad for not remember the name of this 'lekker' dish. It was very well prepared and was so damn filling as well… I still told Bronwyn that this is something that one can try at home when one can get the recipe, lol. Just imagine you prepare this for some friends and have a leaker house lunch/dinner something, lol. I can just imagine how some of my friends will rave about the dish.

Some extra picture that I've squeezed in, it was really an amazing time… I've missed most of my other appointments and plans of the rest of the Saturday, but no regrets, had a lot of fun and at the end of the day it was so damn worth it.

I would advise all of you my chickas to this place out, you'll not regret it one second.

Detail of The Olive Exclusive:

Corner of Promenaden Road and Ngami Street
(Entrance in Ngami Street)
061 - 23 9199

Go check out The Olive Exclusive

Till later chickas.


Pictures taken by myself and Bronwyn Moody, Pictures of The Olive Exclusive

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Sleep, Sleep, Sleep...

For the past month or so, I've been struggling to sleep. So, I did some research in order to try and find out what the hell is wrong.

Insomnia is the word that everyone has been throwing around when they're struggling to sleep, so I've decided to do a little research around the condition or disease or whatever you want to call it.

Definition of Insomnia:

Insomnia or sleeplessness, is a sleep disorder in which there is an inability to fall asleep or to stay asleep as long as desired.

Well, I don't have a desire to sleep, lol. I need to sleep, because am extremely exhausted and at this point of time it's really affecting my ability to concentrate and I have a constant headache, I even start with a headache everyday.

So, I went a little further with my research and found out what the symptoms might be and to my shock, I got to this, crazy stuff. Some of the symptoms:

- Difficulty falling asleep at night
- Awakening during the night
- Awakening too early
- Not feeling well rested after a night's sleep
- Irritability, depression or anxiety

And I've realised, damn, there certainly is something wrong with me, 'cause all of the abovementioned symptoms and the rest on the website is exactly what am experiencing.

I've been wondering whether I should see a doctor, lol. But also thought nah, it's maybe not that serious, but then I got this information aswell and realised, maybe it's time to see a doctor now:

When to see a Doctor?
If insomnia makes it hard for you to function during the day, see your doctor to determine what might be the cause of your sleep problem and how it can be treated.

They're even indicating that one might be send to a sleeping center for special tests in order to determine what the real cause is. "Now it's becoming scary"

If you are experiencing some sleep trouble, please do yourself a favour and read the following. Some very vital information and causes that might cause the reason for sleep trouble or problems.

Hope this is helpful to someone, I certainly need to go see my doctor in order to determine as to what my cause is and how it can be treated.

Till later chickas!!!


Tuesday 17 June 2014

John Legend is coming to SA with "All of me" tour!!!

So, this morning as every other morning, I normally start with some news updates and I love me some celebrity news and updates. Guess what popped up on my screen: "John Legend is coming to SA". Amazing news indeed, lol.

So, Big Concerts confirmed that the legendary nine Grammy Award winnder and mutliplatinum-selling artist will be grazing the soil of South Africa again later this year. This time he's coming with his All Of Me Tour.
JL, One of those cute pics

Walking to the stage of one of his amazing performances: "All of Me Tour"

Detail of the tour:

Cape Town: November 16-17 2014 at the Grand Arena, GrandWest

Johannesburg: November 22-23 2014 at Coca-Cola Dome

Immediately, with not much thought, I've sent an e-mail to my friends in JHB to reserve the dates, 'cause believe me, am going for this concert, I just can't wait, lol.

So, guys if you don't want to be dissappointed, please do get your ticket, the rest of the logistics you can sort out later, but tickets will most definately be sold out, like so many other shows of him on this specific tour.

See you guys there!!!


Apology accepted!

I am going to start with an apology... Am very sorry for been so quiet and for such a long time. No excuse.

I've learned a while ago that it's important to understand when to apologize and when to take a step back and reflect on what went wrong, not necessarily to see who was at fault, but merely assessing the value of the person you need to apologize to.

Dr. Maya Angelou (May her soul rest in eternal peace) made me realise so many things the past month or so with her quotes and the way she lived her life. What an amazing soul mother earth and the society as a whole lost.

The above quote made me realise that it really got nothing to do with what happened or what the situation was. Even though we always want to blame something or someone, it's really ourselves that we need to look at and assess as to what went wrong. We need to learn to accept our flaws, 'cause we're the only person that we can change, our attitudes we can change and only we can do that individually.

I can only thank Dr. Maya Angelou for the lessons that she left for us to learn from still and I appreciate it a lot. Even though I knew that I was not wrong, I've learned to assess the value and relationship in order to get to the point of apologizing and believe me, the feeling is amazingly good. One thing that she maybe missed, or rather, she believed and hoped that when you apologize, you should be genuine. When you genuinely apologize, it's like schackles breaking loose and you're free.
I love it, and I've decided to apologize, not matter what the situation and no matter what the problem or who the person is and whether whoever was wrong. It's merely a principle to free yourself.
Hope the read was enjoyable.
Till next time chickas.