Monday 22 October 2012

Mediclinic Fun Walk/Run In aid of breast cancer...

This past weekend (Saturday), a friend and myself decided to do the walk/run in aid of breast cancer.

Myself, Mariana & Greatia

It was really just a fun and enjoyable day and I must say we had a lot of fun. We've registered for the 10km walk, but we arrived late at the starting point and unfortunately had to settle for the 5km walk.

Greatia almost at the finish line.
We were enjoying every single meter and second as we were walking and jogging the 5km distance. It was actually a blessing in diguised, while we were approaching the finish line, we've realised that we would've never been able to finish the 10km distance, as we were tired and totally flat when we've reached the finish line. But still we did it with very good motivation and we were just very happy that we took part in this walk.
Am very sorry for the poor pictures and the not so clear once, was using my iPhone as I didn't have my camera with me, lol. Everyone was enjoying the race and everyone was in a very cool spirit.

Something totally different from what we would normally do on Saturday mornings and it was good, as we've met quite a few different people and had quite some good chats.

Greatia at the finish line

Myself, also finished the race.
We've finished the race in quite some good time, well, it wasn't really that kind of race, but we've decided to make it about that, lol.

After we cooled down and felt better after the walk, we've decided to have a beer, lol. That will only be Greatia and myself, but damn that beer tasted fantastic.

And that's how our Saturday started and believe me, it surely didn't end there and the rest of the Saturday was still infront of us.

It was so much fun and I want to thank Mediclinic and their crew with the cancer association and all the volunteers who made the 2012 Mediclinic Fun Walk/Run such a great success. It was indeed worth waking up at 6 on a Saturday morning.

Till next time chikas.


Tuesday 9 October 2012

Revenge Wears Prada: The Devil Returns April 2013

Everyone that know's me can confirm that I am a Devil wears prada fanatic, lag!!! I just love the movie, the story line, fashion, relationship drama and everything...

So, you can just imagine my reaction when I got the mail update about this wonderful author advising that, The Devil Wears Prada, is about to get a much anticipated sequel. So, about ten years after the introduction of the merciless world of fashion, Ms. Lauren Weisberger is busy with a second book: Revenge Wears Prada: The Devil Returns. This book will be released April next year. Well, yes, I am hoping for a movie as well, lol, but I will definately be reading the book first.

The book follows our friend Andrea 'Andy" Sachs, who is no longer the nerdy out-of-style, revamped fashionista assistant, but the editor of The Plunge magazine. Along with enemy, now-best friend Emily, Sachs runs the hottest bridal magazine around. But once at the top, it is almost inevitable that she will run into her impeccably dressed, devilishly domineering ex-boss, Miranda Priesly. While dealing with that haunting, shrill, "Ahn-dre-ah," Sachs is also simultaneously planning her own wedding to her fiance.

Well, not to much has been revealed for obvious reasons, but I am excited and can't wait. There is no question that this will be a bomb and that it will definately be a hit as well.

Can't wait though, but till next time chikas.


Thursday 4 October 2012

Song Night - September 2012 ("Hurt - Music heals")

I was busy with assignments last week Wednesday, 26th of September 2012 when I just decided to get up and get a breather. Then I remembered that it's the last Wednesday of the month, so song night would be an option.

So, when I got to song night, I was quite shocked by the turn out of the people, I was shocked and dissappointed at the same time, because this is actually a fantastic platform for singers to showcase what their made off. This is a platform for musicians or people that loves singing for the fun of it or even for exposure. I think and believe that this is really a fantastic and a wonderful opportunity that no one should miss. If you just want to have a laid back Wednesday evening, then you can just come and join the crew. It really is fantastic.

The theme of the song night event was: "Hurt - Music heals". At first I was like, what? How do you want make this work, but the beautiful and talented Lize Ehlers explained it and the flamboyant Mercedez Von Cloete added to her elaboration. So, their explanation was as follow: first they asked who got hurt in life? Well, you guesed right, everyone in their lives got hurt somehow or the other, but what they were focusing or planning to focus on for the month of September was music that healed or heals the wounds. Making one feel better. And thinking about it even now, I can think of a 1000 love songs and stuff that made me get up again and move on. I for once was hurt to the core, but as the saying also goes: "You allow people in your life to treat you a certain way and to hurt or love you in a specific way and yes, I've blamed myself, but boy-oh-boy, am I over it, OFCOURSE, and yes, music helped me in a lot of ways.

As I've mentioned before, I've attended song night after a very long time and things changed indeed. Firstly, Mercedez and Lize are hosting the 'show' together. I must say that this was the best move for song night. They compliment each other fantastically. They made it work together!!!

I must apologize now sommer, because you will ask why there are so little pictuers, but with my hectic life, I totally forgot to charge my camera's battery and yeah, she died on me in the middle of the show, so sad. But I will certainly update you guys with some more pictures later, just waiting on Ms. Ehlers.

Heather was first up and opened the show with a tranquilizing voice! She was fantastic. People raved for her and had so much fun. A little petite girl or rather woman with a powerful gigantic voice. She also gave information about her album that will be out in November, I doubt that one can pre-order, didn't ask, but I would love to have that CD, my bday is up in December, Hint, lol. She performed one of her new songs called: 'The storm in you' and damn, the way she performed it, out of this world. Heather is from our beautiful coastel town, Swakopmund and ofcourse got a standing ovation!!!

Next up was Anathi!!! Well, Anathi is one of Namibia's best hockey players. We play against each other normally, 'cause we play for different clubs. But, singing? I would've never guesed. Surely a boy of many talents. Amazing voice and that body, lol! <<<He will definately confront me about this, lol>>> He collaborated with Heather and they performed the song 'fuck what you said' not sure about the title or artist, but I surely can remember the time I went through that crapy emotional kakas, and yeah, as Mercedez said, music does heal, even though it takes time. But we all should have some time!!!

Rochelle took the stage after them. She is an old face and voice at song night, but this woman can sing and her sense of writing is beyond good. It's amazing!!! The talent in Namibia. She totally blew me away and I was not the only one.

I did say that I could't capture a lot of those good music and memories. But before the event, I took a few pictures and and just want to show some outfits! People attending song night are awesome, always trying something new and doing things different.

An amazing breather and wonderful evening indeed!!! I needed that break and it did me good.

Till next chikas.


Tuesday 2 October 2012

Khaya - SA Idol 2012

I must say that I was waiting for this. Finally, someone of talent and who deserved to win won. I am so proud of Khaya and really wish him the best for the future.

I was not a Khaya fan or let me rather say that he was not the first person that I was voting for, but still not upset that he won.

I was routing for Melissa, I love her flair, style, and personality. She was the complete package as Unathi once mentioned as well. She has that cool and complete idol persona...

I've completely enjoyed every performance of her, but must also agree with the judges in what they said about her song choices. Yes, she could've chosen some pop and 21st century music, but I mean she wasn't bad with that old school song choices either. That song of Aretha Franklin, Girls can do it for themselves, damn, she was hot hot hot!!!

Where have you been by Rihanna was a choice out of this world and the way she performed it. And even last night's performance of this song was just good. She rocked that stage and damn, she can dance yoh!!! lol

As I said, I am happy for Khaya, but would've loved for Melissa to win, but I also know that she will definately have a career, she's good and she has that personality.

Khaya started off his idols journey in Durban by blowing away Unathi, but damn, I felt the same dearest Unathi, I felt the same. Then Unathi asked him to show off with another song as he was the last person for the day's auditions and he sang John Legend's Cloud 9. Unathi couldn't resist and joined him with that song. I am even getting that warm feeling by only writing this, lol. but that's how good it was and how good it sounded.


He deserves the win, like really, but it was also not a smooth sailing for him. It was tough on all of them and especially him and Melissa, I mean, without a doubt, one could see that they were growing closer to each other and also the fact that they performed their first duo together. But  OMW, their duos were quite intense with them so close to each other and still performing such wonderful songs. I actually wanted them to kiss, just to seal the deal, lol.
Cute couple, I must say: lollies:

The competision was tough and it was worth watching. John Legend was one of the guest artist at some point and OMW, I love that man, love his music and isn't he just sexy???
Sorry JL, but I mean it's just the truth, lol. That woman will be lucky...

Zakes Bantwini is hot hot hot, sexy, hot, cute, hot, lol. Did I mention hot, lol? Well, this man just has it all. He makes my body want to move to his music, OMW, and last night he performed with the boys of the top 10. It was beyond good and I must say that Zakes can dance, lol.

And the man's sense of style, I love it, I love it... He's different and really just something else.

The top 10 was indeed a great group and also very talented and I hope that record labels will really sign them up, they are good and have the potential to do even better and grow in the industry.

Ciara was in SA and she joined the team of judges on the last live performance by the magnificent 2, lol, for our votes!!! She just looked hot.

It was a fantastic journey to follow, well deserved winner and good entertainment. Both their singles: 'Move' and 'I could spend a lifetime' are out of this world. Been listening to it every morning since Monday. Just love it.

Last night's show was just wonderful, felt like I was live in Johannesburg, lol. I went crazy and it was really a lot of fun. #SAIdols2012

Till next time chikas.


Monday 1 October 2012

EVE in Windhoek...

Last week a friend and team mate from my hockey team asked me whether I would like to help out at the bar for Eve show, and I was think why not. So, I have asked a few friends of mine as well whether they would join, and everyone was just thrilled to assist.

Yes, and if you didn't know or heard, Eve, the American Grammy Award winning rapper-songwriter, record producer and actress was in town, yes, in Windhoek, Namibia and she rocked, lol.

So, we were a fantastic crew that was working at the bar and totally enjoying ourselves. All of us had to wear those big Heineken T-shirts, well it came in quite handy later the evening as it got colder, but I settled for walking around in my white T-shirt instead, lag.

Well, we obviously had a lot of fun. We were just the bombs behind the bar and totally gave customer service, I think we would've been rich if we were to get commission, lollies. Well done my friends and I appreciate the fact that you guys were willing to help!!!

Eve's performance was fantastic and I was blown away and totally enjoyed every second of it. This girl/woman is just talented and the way she raps. Damn good.

I seriously can't wait for Eve to release a new album, 'cause I really think it's about time, but evens, her music is still good and I've totally enjoy her music still.

Till next time chickas. 
