Tuesday 28 August 2012

Hart van Windhoek festival in 10 days!!!

The "Hart van Windhoek" festival dates are the 7th & 8th of September 2012. It is like in 10 days to be exact and I really can't wait. Last year was a great success, as I've mentioned here:  HvW2011, with all the vibe about Westlive and all.

Well, this year it is going to be cheaper (Am praying that it's still going to be so successful, clean and safe, cause last year was magnificent)...

It's again going to be at the Doc Jubber sports grounds (hoem of Namibias national hockey club) in Windhoek. More than 25 artists will be performing including South African House band: Mi Casa

Mi Casa
I've raved about this band some time ago: Here, and I can't wait to see and hear them again. They've just impressed me ever since and still haven't dissappointed me.

I don't know what else the "Hart van Windhoek" organisers have planned, but I come to hear of a new performance every week and these people are also not on the original performance program, so I guess we'll be suprised. I just hope so.

Anyhoo, we'll be seeing each other at the Doc Jubber sport grounds on the 8th of September 2012.

Till later chickas.


Wednesday 22 August 2012

Fashion show by Tsâtago Garoëb (Max)

A few month's ago I got an invite from a friend of mine to  a fashion show where he was colaborating. Max is a good friend of mine and I was very impressed by some of his designs some time ago.

So, I got the invite and the first thing I did was call him to congratulate him, 'cause I was actually waiting for this for quite some time. He is indeed very eccentric, eunique and extremely daring when it comes to his designs.

It's obvious that my partner in crime would've been joing me, there is just no place, event or anything that we are not the other's plus one, lol.

So, when I left my room, dressed and ready to go Uda was also wearing red.

Uda and myself on our way tot he event and as always we took a pic to add to our memories, lol.

When we got to the event, Milton (another mutual friend of us) was also dressed in red and black. It was so much fun seeing people at the fashion show supporting our dear friend Max.

Above some pictures taken before the event started.

 I didn't take a lot of pictures, as my camera had some issues, so I've used my iPhone and the picture quality is just not the best. But some of the designs that stood out for me was the 4 below. Beautiful detail and well worned by the models.

It was indeed a fantastic night and can't wait to see more of the upcoming designers stuff.

Windhoek is still very small when it comes to designers hosting or show casing their designs, but believe me the talent is there and am sure that sooner or later we'll be awwwed by a lot more designers and fashion shows. Can't wait, lol.

Till later chikas.


Wednesday 15 August 2012

Some Some about Sagittarius! ME, ME, ME!!!

SO, today I just feel very, very indifferent, I just don't know what to do or what to expect any more and it is a very tough situation am in at the moment, because I am also a very indecisive person in general.

A little about a Sagittarius person:

  • Your Most Likeable traits: Optimistic, Independent & Adventurous
  • SYMBOL: The Archer (Representing directness, high aims, a love of the heavens)
  • Ruling Planet: Jupiter
  • Element: Fire
  • Dominant Keyword: I SEE.
  • Magical Birthstone: Turquoise (Attracts love, protects from harm & gives its wearer the ability to see into the future)
  • Special Flowers: Narcissus, Holly & Dandelion
  • Special Color: Purple (Uncommon color of royalty and the artistic)
  • Lucky Numbers: 5 & 7
  • Lucky Day: Thursday
  • Part of the body ruled by Sagittarius: The Liver, the Hips & the Thighs

  • Then, I went further and found my horoscope for today or what the stars are saying and this is what I've found:

    Today's Sagittarius Horoscope from Cafe Astrology
    August 15, 2012
    Today, the quick tempo of the day shouldn't leave you behind, dear Sagittarius. You're embracing the energy. Just be careful that you don't get into a crash-and-burn state. In your social interactions today, you might sense tension and hidden agendas, particularly with a lover. There can be shows of independence or circumstances that strongly suggest to you that changes are in order. Be sure to look for hidden meanings or messages so that you can learn from your experiences now, even if immaturity seems to be prevailing around you.
    Creativity: Good ~ Love: Fair ~ Business: Good

    Crazy though, and it really makes me wonder everytime, because at this point of time, as I've mentioned before in my indifferent state, this is not good, lol.

    But I am going to wait and see how this day/week unfolds.

    Happy Wednesday my chikas.


    Tuesday 7 August 2012

    Anna Piaggi - Italian fashion writer and style icon.

    Anna Piaggi, Vogue Italia fashion contributor died today in her Milan home. She was 81 years old.

    With her kiss-curled blue hair, pencil-ringed eyes, colourful canes, and fantastic hats, Anna Piaggi was unmistakable and unmistakably influential.

    She was always seen in the front row of fashion week and most popular fashion shows.

    She was indeed a woman with a different kind of style and introduced a different fashion to the Italians and the world in general. R.I.P Anna!!! You'll definately be missed.

    USAIN BOLT: Is it normal???

    I must confess, I don't like him. Really, I just don't like him, nothing that he did or nothing that he said or no specific reason, lol. I just like them others, Tyson Gay, Yohan Blake, Justin Gatlin, lol. But I need to say, WOW!!! Big ups to Bolt: NEED FOR SPEED!!!

     “I want to be iconic,” proclaims the Jamaican sprinter, whose 9.58-second flash run in the 100 easily puts him in violation of some small-town speed limits. “That’s my mind-set. It’s why I’m still in the game.”

    Legs churning fast, arms swinging high, Usain Bolt finally made it to warp speed a few steps past the halfway point of the Olympic 100 meters. Emerging from behind, he put clear daylight between himself and the field.

    His victory in the 100 on Sunday against training partner Yohan Blake, Americans Justin Gatlin and Tyson Gay and the rest of the star-studded field promptly and emphatically shut down all the questions about his fitness and dedication — questions that only grew louder after losses to Blake in both sprints five weeks ago at Jamaica's Olympic trials.

    Lightning strikes twice. And it lit up London. After all the rumours and theories about his supposedly lessening powers, all the technobabble and psychobabble about why he was not the same Usain Bolt we saw in Beijing, the fastest man on the planet gave the world his answer – and gave it with both barrels right between the eyes.

    He proved it again. He is indeed the fastest men on earth and damn, that was a magnificent run.

    Till next time Chikas.
