Wednesday 15 August 2012

Some Some about Sagittarius! ME, ME, ME!!!

SO, today I just feel very, very indifferent, I just don't know what to do or what to expect any more and it is a very tough situation am in at the moment, because I am also a very indecisive person in general.

A little about a Sagittarius person:

  • Your Most Likeable traits: Optimistic, Independent & Adventurous
  • SYMBOL: The Archer (Representing directness, high aims, a love of the heavens)
  • Ruling Planet: Jupiter
  • Element: Fire
  • Dominant Keyword: I SEE.
  • Magical Birthstone: Turquoise (Attracts love, protects from harm & gives its wearer the ability to see into the future)
  • Special Flowers: Narcissus, Holly & Dandelion
  • Special Color: Purple (Uncommon color of royalty and the artistic)
  • Lucky Numbers: 5 & 7
  • Lucky Day: Thursday
  • Part of the body ruled by Sagittarius: The Liver, the Hips & the Thighs

  • Then, I went further and found my horoscope for today or what the stars are saying and this is what I've found:

    Today's Sagittarius Horoscope from Cafe Astrology
    August 15, 2012
    Today, the quick tempo of the day shouldn't leave you behind, dear Sagittarius. You're embracing the energy. Just be careful that you don't get into a crash-and-burn state. In your social interactions today, you might sense tension and hidden agendas, particularly with a lover. There can be shows of independence or circumstances that strongly suggest to you that changes are in order. Be sure to look for hidden meanings or messages so that you can learn from your experiences now, even if immaturity seems to be prevailing around you.
    Creativity: Good ~ Love: Fair ~ Business: Good

    Crazy though, and it really makes me wonder everytime, because at this point of time, as I've mentioned before in my indifferent state, this is not good, lol.

    But I am going to wait and see how this day/week unfolds.

    Happy Wednesday my chikas.


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