Wednesday 22 August 2012

Fashion show by Tsâtago Garoëb (Max)

A few month's ago I got an invite from a friend of mine to  a fashion show where he was colaborating. Max is a good friend of mine and I was very impressed by some of his designs some time ago.

So, I got the invite and the first thing I did was call him to congratulate him, 'cause I was actually waiting for this for quite some time. He is indeed very eccentric, eunique and extremely daring when it comes to his designs.

It's obvious that my partner in crime would've been joing me, there is just no place, event or anything that we are not the other's plus one, lol.

So, when I left my room, dressed and ready to go Uda was also wearing red.

Uda and myself on our way tot he event and as always we took a pic to add to our memories, lol.

When we got to the event, Milton (another mutual friend of us) was also dressed in red and black. It was so much fun seeing people at the fashion show supporting our dear friend Max.

Above some pictures taken before the event started.

 I didn't take a lot of pictures, as my camera had some issues, so I've used my iPhone and the picture quality is just not the best. But some of the designs that stood out for me was the 4 below. Beautiful detail and well worned by the models.

It was indeed a fantastic night and can't wait to see more of the upcoming designers stuff.

Windhoek is still very small when it comes to designers hosting or show casing their designs, but believe me the talent is there and am sure that sooner or later we'll be awwwed by a lot more designers and fashion shows. Can't wait, lol.

Till later chikas.


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