Monday 29 August 2011

One crazy, yet relaxed weekend.

LMFAO, I really don't know how crazy yet relaxing fits, but that's how my weekend was. I was out Thursday and it was hectic.

Saturday, I was invited to go have a braai with some friends at the "paaltjies"(this is a braai area some 5km outside WIndhoek on the B1 to Okahandja. Beautiful outdoor view of nature and quite some cool sunsets.

I've joined them a bit late, because of the fact that I was still sick from Thursday's hectic outing.

This was the time I've arrived. You can clearly see that I look sick and I was indeed. That's Uda's sister, Julia. I love this family too bits, as we share a lot and spend quite a lot of time together as well.

Their eldest sister, so you can imagine the dance moves, lol. We had so much fun, but this is a beautiful woman, you can't tell that she has 3 kidz. Still kept her sexy body.

Julia striking a poze

 This is really one beautiful family with 4 sisters and one brother. Well, the brother wasn't there to enjoy this day with us, because he's in London. And one thing about these sisters, they love posing for fotos.

Julia, Nelly and Uda
But I mean, who wouldn't love fotos if you were so photogenic. Just look at Julia, that smile, Nelly, that innocent mature face and the Uda, very confusing face, smiling inocently, but then you can see that something is hiding, lol. kwaaaak.

And Loup Loup is their little sister and she's one hotty, loving the camera and the camera loves her. Such things!!!
Loup Loup, loving the camera!!!
Uda, the chef.
 This gal of mine can cook. Believe me, and she loves it, lol. At this point of time, we couldn't wait for the food to be done, and she was still busy with the meat.

 The two mascatiers, just look at them, getting ready or thinking of whereto after this get together, lol.

I think this picture was taken after quite a few drinks, lol.

Well, this was one hell of a fantastic day, and yeah, when we got home, we've decided not to go out and just stay indoors. Julia went to get a movie called Legion and we've watched it. Quite and interesting movie, and we've so enjoyed it.

This is the review of the movie:
"When God grows tired of humans and their disobedience, he sends the Archangel Michael (Bettany) to wipe them off the face of the earth. More specifically he needs to kill the one child that can stop God’s wrath and save mankind. The only problem is that child hasn’t been born yet, and the mother is a waitress at a small diner in the middle of the Mojave Desert. Michael defies God’s Will and decides to save the child, which turns the restaurant into a war zone between heaven and earth. He will have to combat an entire legion of angels led by the heavily favored, Gabriel."

It was indeed a fantastic movie, even though I completely had a bad stomach feeling after that movie. Not my kind of movies, I love drama and music movies, lol.

But it was good. At least I slept the night away and didn't go out, lol.

Chat again soon lovies.


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