Wednesday 22 February 2012

Indoor Hockey season 2012 kick-off!!!

I've so been waiting for this time, hockey indoor season kick-off. Bought myself a new indoor hockey stick:

So decided to go for the TK brand, wonderful rubber grib and light, easy to handle and control. This baby will set you back N$750, but it's all worth it.

So, the Masters woman (Woman older than 30) team kicked off the first game. They've played against UNAM, seriously, don't ask me the score, I was supporting them with some watertjies (alcolhol), lol.

The men also played, but it was UNAM against WOBSC!!! The intencity of that game was just too much! The speed, the skill and technique, wow! I was on the edge of my chair the whole time. Very good game. But you need to understand, UNAM Premier league team is the best male team, whether indoor or field hockey. Their just good.

So, that's how the indoor hockey season kicked of with some thunder showers at the back ground, but it was all worth it to go and have a look at the teams and also check out the competition.

Till laters chikas.


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