Wednesday 22 February 2012

EL Cubano opening!!!

So, El Cubano re-opened, but luckily not at the same venue, lollies. They've re-opened their doors at the Hilton Hotel! So fantastic and I think it's a great strategic idea!

I must say that this was some posh event and it was very well organised and really just the place to be at for that night. A normal entrance ticket was like N$500 and the VIP ticket N$2000, but all worth it. There were different performances, well, I couldn't catch everyone as I had another event as well, so I've rocked up there round about 11:00!

I was indeed in time to catch these two boys, some crazy dance moves that they had! They were really just good! They had the whole crowd dancing, even Hnr. Hage Geingob! Was not allowed to take a pic of him, lol.
They were literally jumping up and down and into each other, and wait for it... while singing! And you couldn't hear "n moegheid of harde asemhaling", lol. That was quite good.

After their performance we had the beautiful Kanisa. This biatch is just sexy and beautiful, and don't forget that voice. She had a well planned and successful performance indeed.

This is just a beautiful girl. So, then we had the DJ entertain us with some great music and hear I could take some pictures of the diplomats and highly ranked people, lol.

They've totally enjoyed themselved. But it was a great party and everything was really very organised and fantastic. Also met Sean Kamati there and we had a ball of a time together.

Sophie Amadhila was also present:

And we really got entertained by our MC, she was magnificent, out of this world and her personality was totally boiling over the edges:

The bar tenders was amazing as well, there were no queues and no need to be thirsty, lol. This is some of the bar tenders at the normal bar, and the group in the red uniform were the VIP bar crew:

Everything was just on point! El Cubano will rock Windhoek, believe me. The company I was with, all of them just fantastic people!

I was very sick the next morning, but I mean we left this place round about 4 and still went further. The way my head was hurting, and thus the reason why I've only updated my blog so late with this detail.

Luckily, I kept these ladies far away from me. No red bull or shooters for me, was all I could get out!
The evening was all worth it and thanks to Morgen and Natassja for a wonderful outing. It was worth it, and I had a lot of fun.

Till next time chikas!


Indoor Hockey season 2012 kick-off!!!

I've so been waiting for this time, hockey indoor season kick-off. Bought myself a new indoor hockey stick:

So decided to go for the TK brand, wonderful rubber grib and light, easy to handle and control. This baby will set you back N$750, but it's all worth it.

So, the Masters woman (Woman older than 30) team kicked off the first game. They've played against UNAM, seriously, don't ask me the score, I was supporting them with some watertjies (alcolhol), lol.

The men also played, but it was UNAM against WOBSC!!! The intencity of that game was just too much! The speed, the skill and technique, wow! I was on the edge of my chair the whole time. Very good game. But you need to understand, UNAM Premier league team is the best male team, whether indoor or field hockey. Their just good.

So, that's how the indoor hockey season kicked of with some thunder showers at the back ground, but it was all worth it to go and have a look at the teams and also check out the competition.

Till laters chikas.


Tuesday 14 February 2012

It was indeed sad to wake up to news like: Whitney Houston not with us anymore!

Sunday morning was just not a good morning! Woke up very emotional and then I got to hear about Whitney as well. I've immediately thought of a friend of mine William Adonis, 'cause I love Whitney, but he's going crazy over that diva and indeed she was a diva and a legend.

Whitney passed away on Saturday morning in the Hilton hotel in Beverley Hills, a night before the glamorous Grammy awards. Police and doctors confirmed this morning that she drowned in the bath tub. How sad is that!!!

Here Whitney still looked very good with her daughter Bobbi (why she gave her daughter that name is beyond me, cause the ex-husband Bobby Brown, I can't stand, lol. )

Such a beautiful woman!

Well, we all know that she went through a terrible time in her life as well with drugs and alcohol abuse, it was sad to see pictures like this, but then again, if you are a woman of that calibre and that status in the world, the paparazi will never leave you alone:

I felt really sick when I saw this picture. Whitney, why and how could you was my questions, but then again, I've made peace with the fact that she got everything under control and that she was busy with a come back CD, which was the bomb (I look to you).

She really had come back and it was indeed sad to hear about her passing. May her soul rest in eternal peace. I love you Whitney Houston and your music will live on.

Whitney Elizabeth Houston was born on August 9, 1963 in Newark, New Jersey, USA. She was a singer, actress, model, film producer (and the latest one is coming out soon), record producer and songwriter. She passed on on February 11, 2012 in Beverley Hills, California. R.I.P Miss Houston.

TIll laters chikas. Still very emotional about all of this!!!


Monday 6 February 2012

#TwitterGetSloshedParty at Dclub!

This weekend was just crazily hectic: Saturday it was the Twitter Get Sloshed Party at Dclub! What a fantastic and eventful evening it was.

Well, it's an all VIP treatment setup and then you get the VVIP section as well, crazy, but fun, lol.

I so love the DJ box and the whole white setup of the place. Wonderful atmosphere and fantastic company we had Saturday evening. All or let's say most Twitter peeps getting together and meeting each other in person. Most of the time you couldn't introduce yourself with your bio-name, cause nobobe would recognise you, but the moment you mention your twitter name, it's like a light bulb that switched on, lol, so funky.

Then there was @AndyFetch, what a fierce and bold personality! This is a cool picture with the whole setup and the pose is just as fierce.
This is not a cool pic, really, but this is the only pic I have of myself and this lovely woman, DeeDee, hope that spelling is correct, lol. She's just amazing and we've made the best sober team Saturday night, lol.

Zellie in a beautiful white dress!!!
Met Zellie at the party as well. She's an amazing person and we met some years back, as we stayed in the same kind of block of flats. Still the amazing person I got to know then.

@victology10 & @viccidan
Whatever Vicky tried doing there is beyond me, but you can never hide from the lense of @Pluzjean! i still caught you on camera sweetheart. Thanx for the invite and insisting that I come out to the party, it was really fantastic.

Vicky rocked these babies to the party. Get out of the way!!!

Some pictures of the other people also at the party, Helen, Hilma and others. Giving you some pictures of the lovely ladies at the party:

So love the last picture, it was totally not planned or styled for a perfect shot, they just changed poses and I got to take this lovely pic!

It was indeed a fantastic evening and eventful as mentioned before and the venue is to die for!

Till later chikas.


Sunday 5 February 2012

Mi Casa in Windhoek, Namibia!

So, Mi Casa, the house band made their appearance in Windhoek last week Friday, 3rdof Feb. What a great performance it was indeed.

A brief review about the band:

Fresh new talent from Soul Candi drops by the name of Mi Casa, a live house band that is sure to get you dancing. Mi Casa is a band with unique individuals who bring their explosive talent together to create a unique and original sound.

As jolly as they appear on the posters, that's really how jolly they are on stage and totally giving their audience a fantastic feel and experience of house music.

I am not really a fan or supporter of house music. Would listen to one or two songs and then everything sounds the same to me, but I must tell you, I was dancing most of the evening, which should say something about this band. You can have a full briefing about the band here:

We were really having a lot of fun, this was still outside, as we were in a qeue trying to get in. But we made it fun. The show was suppose to start at 19:30, we came there past 20:00 and was still blocked by a qeue about 8m long.
It was really worth it. Mi Casa came up only at around 00:00, but it was all worth the wait. First, we had some live performances by some SA DJ's, which was just fantastic.

We didn't complain or had no time to complain about anything, as we had fun all night long.

I've enjoyed the whole band and everything through and through, but this guy was just the highlight for me. I've just enjoyed watching him and seeing and hearing the talent.
As usual, I saw a lot of fimiliar faces and spend some time with my friends. This woman especially is a remarkable woman and I love her too bits. We had so much fun together and laughed as usual. Love you Porsh.

It was all worth it. Worth getting into bed only past 3, lol. They were fantastic and the whole evening was just great.

Till next time chikas.


Thursday 2 February 2012

Best treat for the year thus far!!!

So, somewhere in the week I got a treat for myself. Was not really hungry, but wanted to eat something. (Crazy I know, lol. )

So, I've decided to get the best Tuna toast in Windhoek. I know it is the best, as I love Tuna and I've had quite a few at different places, but this is just divine.

That's the Tuna toast with an Appletiser, (hoe lus ek nie nou weer so lekker toast nie, lol).

Oh, and i stumble over this! This cupcake was delicious. Believe me, you don't really find lekker cupcakes in Windhoek, or I had so many dissappointments already, but this baby was just the best.

Till next time chikas!

This weekend is one of those weekeds again where am just going to sleep!!!
