Wednesday 9 November 2011

Allergies, Aaaarrrrrggggghhhhh

I think I've mentioned it before that I am allergic to a lot of things. Well, a new allergy popped up again, shit shit shit! Luckily, the medicine world thought about this way before my allergy popped up.

This morning at 3 when I woke up to start with my daily study period, I've noticed that my lips are swollen and I have a terrible itch and irritation in my eyes. So, I've tried looking for a possible bite mark, sometimes it can just be a bite or something from an insect. And also rinsed my eyes with some clean water and tried everying. Couldn't find anything and my eyes  was all wet and irritated by this time, so I've tried ice blocks and everything just to get the swelling down. Succeeded, but still didn't look that good.

Went to my doctor this mornind and walla, am allergic to pollen, and there is a lot of pollen currently in the air. Damn, obviously there will be pollen in the air, it's spring/summer, for goodness sake, but yeah! Luckuly got an injection, so the swelling is down and the eye irritation is getting much better, so yeah. Another allergy to add to my never ending list, lol.

Enjoy the rest of your day chickas.


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