Tuesday 27 August 2013

Dilicious Dillish!!!

It was with mixed feelings that I got to know that Dillish won the BBA, The Chase title. Very proud of her, quite impressed with the way she endures the whole process.

I am not a big fan of the BBA show, but I got updated by my mother everytime, whether I wanted to know or listen or not. I just had to sit en listen, while my mother kept on informing me.

This is one beautiful woman. I must say, I've seen her around in the media and stuff a lot even before she went to the BBA house and am very happy that she won The Chase.

When I first heard the rumour that Maria and Dillish would be going to the BBA house, I was very upset with the newspapers and all the journalists that tried to ruin that opportunity for them. Reason why: I thought from the beginning that they are a good match to go represent Namibia. I was quite happy for them even.

Don't get me wrong, I never raved or expected that any of them would even make it past the first month, honestly speaking. I was a bit shocked and sad that Maria left so early, because of what my mother told be, I thought she was much better then the rest of the people that stayed in the house, but yeah, we were supposed to vote.

I was forced by mother to start voting and keep on voting for Dillish afterwards and I thought it was a waste of time everytime, but after the fact that she won, I can say that my votes counted as well, and once again, am totally proud of her.

Some diary sessions with Biggie, lol. From what I've heard she was always a bit insecure and not sure whether she will make it because of the fact that she was never HOS or that she was nominated again. But clearly, she was loved by Africa, because Africa kept her in the house and got her to win.

At the end of the day, all I would like to tell her is that she had a lot in how the people voted. Africa saved her and kept her in the house because they came to love her. Her true personality, honesty, beauty and humbleness! Well done Dillish...

Namibia is proud of you and I think you for the true and honest representation in the house. You are the bomb darling...

Till later chikas.

@Dillish_lishy, @MariaNepembe

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