Wednesday 3 July 2013

Proud moment - Rivan Meyer

So, when I opened the local newspaper (Die Republikein) this morning, 'sommer so whoa!' just like that, I see my friend in the newspaper.

Rivan Meyer
Manager: Internet Banking
Standard Bank Namibia
Rivan Meyer: Manager: Internet Banking. I am so proud of him. Still couldn't get a hold of him, because of meetings and stuff, lol. But my word, am so proud of him that I can't keep it to myself. This is so long overdue and he really deserves it.

Congratulations my friend. I can still recall the day we were talking about moving forward when you said; I just hope that it can happen already and that you don't understand why it's taking forever. And my response was: patience my friend, the right time will come, and you'll be suprised.

I am happy for you, very happy and I know you have a wonderful wife: Gaynor Meyer by your side supporting you.

Love you guys!!!

Tille next time chickas.
