Friday 19 July 2013

In time you will get what is due to you!!!

Everyone might be going like: "Ag, whatever, how long am I gonna wait, lol"? Well, I have news for you, it depends on how patient you'll be, lol. ***CRAZY***

Got the below paragraph from the following blog:

""We get so caught up keeping up with the Joneses we forget that we did not start the race at the same time, let alone run on the same track! We put ourselves under unnecessary pressure because you look to the right and Sipho is on property number two at the tender age of 25 (*side note* ever noticed how in primary school story sums there is always a Sipho, lol who is this Sipho guy??), you loo to the left and Sande just got her big break... FOR THE TENTH TIME! Life is unfair like that, we can't just get what we want when we want it, but in time, all that's due to you will make its way to you. So learn to be patient, keep moving and focus on your own race. ""

Yes, I was also sitting and reading this and wondering, oh well, whatever, but come to think of it, it's actually true.

We are so busy complaining or concentrating on other peoples races, that we can't even see or we don't even notice when out big break comes or when we get the opportunities, because we're focused on other people.

It really got me thinking about myself and my life. Things changed so much for me this year, so many different (good different) things happened this year and only because of the fact that I started concentrating on myself. And we should really be careful who we associate ourselves with. Not everyone that smiles with you are your friends.

Life is good, everyone gets in life what they deserve. We tend to complicate it ourselves. All we need to keep in mind is that everything happens for a reason and everything happens at the right time in our lives.

Splendid weekend chikas.

Enjoy and MWAH!!!


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