Tuesday 18 December 2012

Wedding bells!!! Past weekend

It seems to me that I need a full bag of apologies for not blogging that much or rather for not been active for the past 2 months I guess, but I can explain.

First of all, as you all know I was busy with exams for some time and it was hectic, but I can say with a big smile, that it did pay off. Passed all my modules and am excited about 2013.

Then after exams, work kept me busy and believe me when I say that it was extremely hectic and with a big smile again and a lot of excitement about the project going live soon, all the hardwork and late nights will show soon. (Just hope a pay raise is in the pipe line as well, lol---- wishful thinking I guess).

Then it was my bday, but I had no celebration this year, just met up with a few friends and family for some cake and drinks and it was so much fun.

Then, it was the wedding, yes, Uda Magreth Eunice Shilomboleni got married last week Thursday. What an awesome party that was. And I am so happy for her even though I need to get used to so much now, but it is just great. She fell inlove some 9 months ago, they dated for purpose and decided to get married and well, she is officially Mrs. Greg Gordon Gawachab, lol. Well done my friend.

Some pics, not everything and also not the photographer's pics. These were some random pics we as friends took on our cellphones.

We just has so much fun... It was awesome and they looked beautiful and happy.

Till next time chikas and I promise that I am going to be active from now on. Will try and get a post out every single day!!!!


1 comment:

  1. you promised for every single day.
    you haven't posted in a while... kom kom kom jy kan nie beloftes maak nie en hulle nie eer nie.
