Thursday 31 May 2012

BW Brand Ambassadors!!

About a month or so ago, Bank Windhoek's brand ambassadors got together for a meet and greet conference. This was a great success and I believe that everyone enjoyed themselves a lot.

The morning we started off with the conference with a lot of activities, introductions and chit chats.

We had to do a few activities, which was indeed a lot of fun, as you will see from the pictures.

 As usual, I was busy multi-tasking, lol. Was listening and giving my babies (Phones) some attention as well.

Then we got some scripts to learn in order to present.

 Just a quick something about myself, I have a phobia to stand and talk infront of a room full of people, but I must say, I did good, lol.

We had to do a role play as well and my group sommer decided to do a little dance as well.
It was indeed a very successful day and we had so much fun and at the same time we've learned so much at this conference. A lot of our inner fears were challenged, which was indeed a good thing, as we as the brand ambassadors will have to take our branches and departments under one umbrella and change a few things within our departments to make it a so much better environemnt and place to work in.

This is a very good initiative from BW, as this really makes everyone feel part of a team to interact and be a part of a changing body.

The evening we had a Gala event for all the brand ambassadors and I must say, this was way beyond any of ours expectations. The organizing crew went all out.

It was a formal dress up event.

I don't have much of the pictures of the evening, but some that I took and got from some other ambassadors.
I love this woman below in the picture with me. We've met like a year ago on our training trip to Johannesburg and boy oh boy, we had so much fun on that trip and we really got to know each other on some other level.
Loretta and Myself

Chaldun, Ingrid and Me!
Chaldun was also on the training trip to Johannesburg last year! Ingrid on the other had is from Zambia, I've met her that night and she's one fantastic woman. She's the Product and Market Analyst in Zambia at Cavmont bank. Fantastic, free spirited and wonderful person.

These two were the best dressed male and female for the evening and they came as a couple. I must really say, they looked very good! Their outfits matched and they were on point with the dress code.

The food and drinks were also very good. I would've preferred another wine though, but that was all the bar had in stock. It was a very comfortable dry red wine, and went down very smoothly though.

 The food was tasty and very fresh (One thing I hate about events like this some times is the fact that you can taste that the food are not realy that fresh, but I must say, this was out of this world).

Well, that was an extraordinary day and evening.

Till next time chickas!


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