Wednesday 19 December 2012

Style, Fashion & Wardrobe: Odile Muller (Gertze)

Following an urge and desire and taking a chance: (What's life without taking risks hey, lol?)

A quote by Mark Houlahan:

"If you want your life to be a magnificent story, then begin by realizing that you are the author and everyday you have the opportunity to write a new page."

So, here goes. I love this lady, her style, her beauty, her passion and her drive. She is one small pettite woman, yet with so much flare and attitude (positive)!!!

Been searching and scrutinizing to see who I want to feature first for this chapter of my blog and well, well, well, our former Miss Namibia (2010), Odile Muller (Gertze) made the cut.

So, let's start:

Odile is a beauty queen born in Windhoek, 1988. Miss Namibia 2010 and made it to the top 25 at the Miss World beauty pageant as well in the same year. Proud Namibian moments, lol.

I've asked her to share a few detail with me and I am so happy to share it with you my chikas, so here goes:

Which trend will you working this Summer?

Well, I love my legs and showing them off. The main trend I would love to try is the new floral print dresses, shorts and skirts, especially the peplum. I also want to experiment with loud and colorful prints. (I believe you'll be able to pull that off, lol).

Describe your relationship with your wardrobe?

Right now it's a love and hate kind of relationship. Sometimes I find buried treasures, another occasion I never find anything to wear!!! (Lol, completely think that this is a woman's thing, gosh, hehehehe). But I enjoy experimenting and playing around with different textures and mixing old with new.

Favourite item in your wardrobe?

My SHOES and my accessories. These are the key items that make or break your wardrobe!!! I had to spring clean my closet and give away boxes of clothes and shoes so my collection is looking really thin. But like they say, out with the old, in with the new! (I also believe in that, and it's good, but surely think that some things you just can't give away, no matter how old or small they are, lol).

What's your fav go-to shop, and which pieces in-store do you gravitate to first?

It usually varies on budget (Oh sure, she also has a budget, lol). Mr. P and Edgars are always loyal to me and I rarely leave unsatisfied. But my fashion heart belongs to Anjo's and their beautiful selection on shoes. (Do yourself a favour and browse through their website, it is amazing).

Describe your best buy:

My best buy has to be something that I have been looking for forever. A recent best buy from Anjo's, a pair of black flare shorts that is a perfect fit for my small pair-shaped body type. What I'm searching for now, the perfect pencil skirt. I could make it myself, but what fun would that be if you can't go shopping??? (Lol, good one...)

Define your own style:

Classy, fun, eclectic. Not all at once though...

What's the one fashion trend you wish you have never worn?

Faded Acid Wash Jeans. EEK!!!

Do you have a dominating colour in your wardrobe and what is it?

Oddly enough, black and neutral tones. When you experiment with fashion, it's always safer to try it in a neutral tone, and if you rock it, then you can go crazy.

Who's your fashion icon/crush?

I have 3, Blake Lively for her ultra girly, fashion forward appeal, Kim Kardashian for her love for labels and Olivia Palmero, she has this amazing talent of wearing ANY trend and making it work. (I can imagine why these 3 woman are her top 3, just look at some glam).

Odile got married recently and she gladly shared a pic in her gown with me. She sounds very excited about the future and is also very patient, but boy-oh-boy if someone is busy with a lot of things at the same time, it's this lady!!!
Love the detail of this gown, beuatiful and classy indeed!!!

Till later chikas!!!


Tuesday 18 December 2012

Wedding bells!!! Past weekend

It seems to me that I need a full bag of apologies for not blogging that much or rather for not been active for the past 2 months I guess, but I can explain.

First of all, as you all know I was busy with exams for some time and it was hectic, but I can say with a big smile, that it did pay off. Passed all my modules and am excited about 2013.

Then after exams, work kept me busy and believe me when I say that it was extremely hectic and with a big smile again and a lot of excitement about the project going live soon, all the hardwork and late nights will show soon. (Just hope a pay raise is in the pipe line as well, lol---- wishful thinking I guess).

Then it was my bday, but I had no celebration this year, just met up with a few friends and family for some cake and drinks and it was so much fun.

Then, it was the wedding, yes, Uda Magreth Eunice Shilomboleni got married last week Thursday. What an awesome party that was. And I am so happy for her even though I need to get used to so much now, but it is just great. She fell inlove some 9 months ago, they dated for purpose and decided to get married and well, she is officially Mrs. Greg Gordon Gawachab, lol. Well done my friend.

Some pics, not everything and also not the photographer's pics. These were some random pics we as friends took on our cellphones.

We just has so much fun... It was awesome and they looked beautiful and happy.

Till next time chikas and I promise that I am going to be active from now on. Will try and get a post out every single day!!!!


God Child's graduation from Pre-school!!!

Some time back I got an invite to my godchild's graduation from pre-school and I was so excited. It feels like yesterday that she was born, OMW, they grow up so fast, but so beautiful as well.

She was such a beauty in that white dress and she makes me so proud.

It was just amazing to see how these kids performed the night, because it was a combination of their christmas play and the graduation of the kids going to primary school. I know it takes time to teach these kids to memorise their verses and also to learn the songs that they need to perform and believe me, it was just amazing. I literally had tears in my eyes, but yeah, if you know me, am also a very dramatic and emotional person, lol. But it was just good.

They were only 5 kids that graduated this year, but they were all amazing...

What was quite amazing for me was the fact that these kids prayed a little prayer for God to bless them and to make their lives successsfull and for them to prosper in life, which was just a rare occurence to me.

And the fact that all 5 prayers were different and really touching. That was just amazing.

Well chickas, it's really amazing and good to enjoy every minute of your life and appreciate the lives God has given each and everyone of us. These kids made me realise that we as adults need to go back to basics again.

Till next time!!!


Wednesday 14 November 2012

Exams again!!! Phew!

So, it's this time of the year again, exams. Everyone is tired and not really in the mood for late night's studying, but I mean, a man's got to do what a man's got to do or rather a student, lol.

Anyways, I just want to wish everyone all the best of luck with their exams, I am starting Monday and believe me, I don't even have the energy, but well, will have to pull myself together, 'cause I can't wait to pass, lol.

That's all we should do, keep calm!!!

Till later chikas!


Wednesday 7 November 2012

Windhoek Jazz festival

This past weekend was the long awaited Windhoek Jazz festival and guess who was our imported artist: "LIRA", so you can just imagine. I went all out. Am just inlove with that woman's music and the way she caries herself.

We arrived at the show and obviously as always, I had my girl with me: Uda Shilomboleni, we are just good sport together. This was the arrival:
I really don't know what she did there, lag!!!
If you need good company and just want to have fun, no matter what event, she should be a part of it, lol. Crazy, just like me and totally just fun to be around.

 It was still quite empty as people were still streaming in and finding themselves a place to sit before they got something to drink. As you know Uda and myself, the bar ofcourse was our first pit stop as we've entered the venue!!!

We were listening to the performance's lined up and it was so good. I just love live musicand when it comes to jazz, I will be there. I have a lot of respect for our Namibian acts that performed with live bands and they were quite good, I must say.

Persey Rinquest was up first, if I am not mistaken. You should remember him from my previous posts here!!! Well, he was even better at the Jazz Fest. This guy has a John Legend vibe and that's quite good. He should get a good manager/promoter to make him grow and be exposed. He totally had my blood boiling, lol!!!

I am quite a proud fan of his and yes, his number one fan!!! lol!!!
Myself and Persey (John Legend)

Well done Mr. You should be proud of yourself, but now you need to get some work done and get a CD out there please!!!

So, now I want to brag, lag, that's just me. My cousin is part of a jazz band and they were up next. They were really good and they are from Rehoboth. They were totally having fun on that stage themselves from what I've witnessed. Please do forgive me, but I really didn't get their name, lol, anyways am very bad with names, whether individuals or bands.

I don't know how I feel about this woman's voice. Sorry, I haven't really had the opportunity to sit and really enjoy her music. But what I can say is that she can definately entertain a crowd. I must say the Amy Winehouse and Whitney Houston numbers rocked gal. She had the crowd on their feet and totally having fun with her performance.
Please do tell when this gal has a performance somewhere again, I need to be there in order to get her under skin, lol, not literally, lag. I just want to appreciate her voice and singing, maybe am missing something. But neither the less, she had a fair performance. 


I've really had a lot of fun and met a lot of my friends that I haven't seen in quite some time. It was really just amazing to see the crowd and see different people and personalities coming together to enjoy the same thing: JAZZ!!!!
Indira, Myself, Uda, What is it with the shoes?
Indira, that dress killed me totally, you looked fabulous. Udacious and those shorts. You've totally rocked it my friend.
Perfect picture after quite a few attempts.

Mercedez and Uda (DIVAS indeed)

Myself and Mercedez

Lucy and Myself
 This gal I haven't seen in almost forever. I missed her so much and we has so much fun.
Myself and Crystal

Myself, Tuli and Sean

A lovely woman joined us as well. I love this woman so much. Thank you very much Julia for joining us and boy-oh-boy, she looked fabulous. 

I had to take this caption.
 Oh yeah, and this is Uda's doing. Secret: Uda just loves shoes, and I must say beautiful shoes. She will die for a good pair of shoes.
We took "bersie" with this year, that blue blankie is so handy. She is all in one, lol. But we love her too bits. Things got a bit hectic at some point that I literally had to search for my crew, lol. But yeah, that's when the Heineken got too much and nobody warned me that Heineken is a killer, lag.

 Some pictures of some of the other perforers, like Lize Ehlers and Shishani and all of them that also performed:

Lize Ehlers



Lira then took the stage and OMW, I just went crazy, lol. Uda and myself ran to the front and were jumping around like crazy, but she was so worth it. I had so much fun and just loved her performance. This woman has a stage presence and the way she knows how to entertain her crowd is just something else. I am a proud fan and yes, did I mention that I had a lot of fun?

And I was really praying that she would wear a yellow dress, don't really know why. But I can remember telling Uda that a yellow dress will just close the deal and then this bomb diva took the stage in this lovely yellow dress and I literally died, lol.

Beautiful indeed and fantastic performance dear. You were just fantastic. Worth the headache, saw throat, exhaustion and everything. It was all so worth it. Thank you miss Jazz diva (Yes, that's what I call you, LIRA!)

It was indeed an event worth attending, I had so much fun with everyone and all the performances.

Till next time chikas.
