Wednesday 10 April 2013


After a lot of struggle, frustration and boredom, here I am...

As humans we tend to want to take things in our own strength and stride, but we forget that there is a higher power and the universe playing a big difference in our lives. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that we should sit back and expect things to just happen. We need to and yes, it's our responsibility to take that first step and dream!!!
The Universe only works with what she receives from us and she can only manifest on what she receives.

You might say: "But I am dreaming" and my next question will be, so, what are you doing about and with your dreams?

Everything in life starts with a dream or a thought, but things needs to be done in order to make it a success or make it a reality. Don't expect things to be easy at the end of the day, because it's not going to be, am not going to lie about this fact. It's tough as hell, lol. You should remain focus, should have the crown in site always and should want to have it for yourself. It should not be someone elses goal or dream, but your own.

Yes, all of you might be asking, but hey, whats up with this post, lol... I am happy to say that things are looking better... We should learn to trust and have faith, cause even the times when we are down and struggling and thinking that we're loosing, we should never loose hope. We should always push forward. Never ever give up!!!

We've got to learn to dust ourselves off and try again. But it's important to know where you are, where you're going and what direction to follow. Forget about getting lost, it's normal even with a map, lol. It just depends on what version of the map you have. Things change along the way, so you need to keep up on the changes and the trends, lol.

Watch this spave my dear people, it's about to blossom, lol.

                                        EVERYTHING IN LIFE IN TEMPORARY!!!
Treat it as such, and believe me, things will make more sense at the end of the day.

I love you all and I believe that 2013 is THE year, let's make changes, let's allow ourselves to evolve...

Till next time chickas.
