Thursday 29 March 2012

Song Night with my lovely Nafeesa from JHB!

You might remember this, song night is an event that takes place every last Wednesday of the month, so end of February we went to song night and I've invited my new friend Nafeesa from JHB to join us. I was actually very concerned as to how she'll fit in with all my crazy and weird bunch of friends. Well, I must say, Nafeesa is also not that quiet and normal either, lag. Love you Nafee.

The way Mercedez always take over the show, lag. But I think she broke the ice with Nafeesa, cause after that picture Nafee was all loosen up and she started mingling with everyone.

The trio, we were just very busy that night, lag.

Yes, it was a fantastic night with the singing and everything that happened!

Just a little bit about song night: It a Bank Windhoek Arts sponsored event, organised by Lize Ehlers and hosted at the 99FM Theater (Playhouse Theater). This is an event for upcoming singers to showcase their talent and I must say, some of them sound better then these Mickey mouse singers of these days.

This is one of te best pictures I can say. We were tog posing.

Michael and Salomon is one of my crazy sociable friends. We always have a great time together.

Till next time chikas.


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