Friday 30 March 2012

8:30PM - Earth hour 2012

This is so exciting, like seriously: Earth hour 2012!!!

Be inspired to celebrate Earth Hour along with millions around the world, tomorrow, Saturday 31 March.

What an amazing initiative: Thanks to wikipedia, I could give you the origin and the reason or inspiration to the initiative, lag. What will I ever do without Wiki, my bestest friend.

"Earth Hour is a worldwide event that is organized by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and is held on the last Saturday of March annually, encouraging households and businesses to turn off their non-essential lights for one hour to raise awareness about the need to take action on climate change. Earth Hour was conceived by WWF and The Sydney Morning Herald in 2007, when 2.2 million residents of Sydney participated by turning off all non-essential lights.[1] Following Sydney's lead, many other cities around the world adopted the event in 2008.[2][3] Earth Hour 2012 will take place on March 31, 2012 from 8:30p.m. to 9:30p.m., at participant's local time."

Read this on a friend's blog and am quite impressed with the people participating, I am definately setting a reminder on my smartphone to also be part of change and enjoy and celebrate Earth Hour 2012.

"A record 5 411 cities and towns across 147 countries and territories will be participating this year. Goose bump stuff, huh? So make sure you’re part of this global phenomenon by switching off all lights at 8:30pm tomorrow. Light candles, pop a cork and declare it champagne o’ clock. Braai with your mates."


Till next time chikas.


Thursday 29 March 2012

Song Night with my lovely Nafeesa from JHB!

You might remember this, song night is an event that takes place every last Wednesday of the month, so end of February we went to song night and I've invited my new friend Nafeesa from JHB to join us. I was actually very concerned as to how she'll fit in with all my crazy and weird bunch of friends. Well, I must say, Nafeesa is also not that quiet and normal either, lag. Love you Nafee.

The way Mercedez always take over the show, lag. But I think she broke the ice with Nafeesa, cause after that picture Nafee was all loosen up and she started mingling with everyone.

The trio, we were just very busy that night, lag.

Yes, it was a fantastic night with the singing and everything that happened!

Just a little bit about song night: It a Bank Windhoek Arts sponsored event, organised by Lize Ehlers and hosted at the 99FM Theater (Playhouse Theater). This is an event for upcoming singers to showcase their talent and I must say, some of them sound better then these Mickey mouse singers of these days.

This is one of te best pictures I can say. We were tog posing.

Michael and Salomon is one of my crazy sociable friends. We always have a great time together.

Till next time chikas.


Tuesday 6 March 2012

Swartz's celebration weekend on their farm.

So, I got an invite like some time back which involved a camping indication somewhere! I totally enjoy camping and the nature and the outdoor. So, I didn't even think about it, I've RSVP immediately.

It was some celebration invitation, hence I've named the weekend, our celebration weekend!

The journey started the Saturday morning just round about 12:00. The car was packed and we were on the road minutes after that. We prepared ourselves for some 130 km drive south from Windhoek, passing Rehoboth.

 We had a very good drive and then 60 km before we got to Rehoboth we decided to pull over and enjoy the scenery. Nafeesa is from JHB (I still love you too bits lover), so as you all know they really can't enjoy some beautiful scenes, but it's Namibia again, it's just one beautiful country PERIOD!!! I so so love Namibia, this is just home.

Nafeesa (She's so not going to like this picture, but had to, lag)
Uda & Nafeesa
Myself & Nafeesa
We've continued on our road trip, so excited and couldn't wait to get to the farm. Alex was also very excited to see the farm, and he was quite a good boy the whole road down to the farm.

Uda (Best passenger ever and always just a passenger, never the driver, lag)

As we were driving on the B1 to the south, we had to look to our left in order to get an indicator that would show us the turn off to the farm. And my friend Tani B, as creative and innovative as she is did this or let me rather said she ordered or delegated that this should be done. But this was a brilliant idea and we sommer got the farm quick quick.
Then when we got to the farm, obviously went on the greeting spree and then saw Tani B and we were one again. Always in the same boat, lag. I had some broken fingers, Tani B was bumped by a crazy guy while she was cycling, but we laughed about it after all, lag.

Tani B & Myself
When the people said that the party is starting, we were like in huh? Obviously, because we were already partying, lag. We were really just having fun and it was all worth the drive. Later we've realised that we should maybe setup our tents before it gets too dark, and was that a mission and a half.

The party animals, Jacky, Jacky's friend, Myself & Uda.

Finally done with my tent. Nafeesa quite an assistant.

 Well, those were the last pictures that was actually taken on my camera, still need to get a hold of Tani B and exchange some pictures.

After a very interesting and fun weekend, we headed home on Sunday morning round about 10:00, cause we still wanted to stop at my parents in Rehoboth and then visit the Oanob Dam (Or rather show Nafeesa).

Alex chose a perfectly fantastic and comfy spot on Nafee's lap while she was driving back to sleep. He's such an attention seeker, but tog te quite.

 So, at Oanob Dam, my brother decided to take some adventure and wanted to row. It was quite fun though, I had my own "adventure adrenaline orgasmic attack", lag!!!

And as I was rowwing they've decided to swim in the dam, my mother was totally overeacting at this point, cause she wasn't really at ease with them in the dam.

Nafeesa so wanted to take a picture with the adults, lag.

Nafeesa in the middle, my parents' house friends and my parents.

 We've seen this beautiful coincidence when we drove down and decided that we're going to capure it on our way back and yes, this is phenominally beautiful. Breath taking, I just loves this picture.

We were completely exhausted when we got in Windhoek and just literally took showers and slept till the next day, but it was all worth it. A fantastic weekend and thanks to Tani B and Stoffel, it was a great get away at the same time.

Till next time chikas.
