Wednesday 17 August 2011

Mo Joe's night turned crazy!

Hallo again! Well, you need to understand that I love my Tuesday evenings at Mo Joe's because of the fact that my old school friend usually performs live at this cozy spot, situated at the Game's shopping centre. Fantastic atmosphere and wonderful music as I've mentioned before. The have such a beautiful painting on the one wall with the globe painted, but Namibia is brighter and stands out.

It's a bit far and small!

Lize has a fantastic voice and she sings beautifully, that's the reason I don't miss my Tuesday evenings after work, lol.

The way she caries herself and makes it looks so easy, but believe me, you want to be there Tuesday evenings.

And as always, the wine doesn't stay behind, lol. I just love my wine and really, they have some good wine, not the best though and not a great selection, but at least the one or two that's on the menu are divine. We had the Jacob's Quest, a very soft and sweet rose.

We had like three bottles, I think, lol. Can't remember really, lol. We were a crazy crowd again. i just love my friends. Last night I was accompanied by Max and Melleney before the crazy once pitched.

Max, Melleney, Liza and myself.
Great starter, and Crystal also joined us for one drink. Fantastic and remarkable women this is. She claims that she's black, lol.

So much fun with this gal, she just rocks the social scenes. (I know she'll kill me when she sees this, but I had to do it Crys).

Well, after Lize gave a great performance and entertained us with her lovely voice, we've decided or let me rather say, Morris insisted we go somewhere else, because it was too early to go home apparently. Ended up in fashion bar, and had shooters again. So you can just imagine how I feel today.

Morris (Madam Posh), myself, Christopher, Max
This was taken minutes after we've entered Fashion bar. And the killer shooters started. I seriously don't even know or can't remember what that was, but it tasted sleg and I feel terrible today.

Anyhoo, it was one fantastic evening again and the hangover is well deserved, lol. I seriously don't knw how am going to make this day though and I have a tight schedule booked for today, dammit.

Mwah Chikas, tille next time!!!

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