Sunday 14 May 2017

Port Elizabeth holiday...

Life changing experience. I really didn't think that PE of all places would change my life completely. I think to a certain extent, the fact that I actually took time off and went on vacation totally had something to do with the life changing experience and new vision for my life.

I am excited about everything after this holiday. I would say that a switch has been turned on! I can see the light, just not sure where yet, lol. Certainly returning to the office tomorrow with a new vision and definitely a new directed view of what I want to achieve and what I want to work towards.

2017 really started with a bang, faster than expected. Everything is so much more demanding and faster. On all different levels expectations are higher and more is expected from all different angles.

I can't wait to start a new journey, 15 May 2017 is the date set to just stream line everything. The changes and new direction has been put in place, the recipe has been drafted (not sure whether there is a recipe to follow though), but we are focusing on what we want to achieve and that why, we try and get the plans in place.

Am really excited!!!

Weird that 2017 is actually only starting for me now or rather, it finally hit me, lol.😳😳😳😳

But I am ready and definitely ready on making this happen...

Hopefully, I'll write a post on my year: 2017 at the end of this journey (this year). But the excitement is amazing!!!!

Enjoy the Sunday chickas!!!!
