Thursday 7 March 2013

Vogues new Girl for their Eyewear!

Vogue has found a new muse for their well known and sophisticated eyewear, for the new range (drummmmmmmm rooooooollllllllll) : Ms. Eva Mendes and believe me, she's doing a fantastic job.
Eva is a fashion goddess and an internationally-claimed actress. Beautiful “biets” and I must say also very talented. I just love the way she’s working the different frames and shapes of these babies. She makes it look so effortless (the modeling of course, lol).
Inspired by the trends seen on the runway and the feminine frames have strong personality and are totally sophisticated as well and fantastically showed off by Eva. What Ms. Mendes had to say about the range: “I really love glasses. Whether they are prescription glasses or sunglasses, they are an extension of your personality and such a fantastic accessory I love to mix and match and play with different looks, depending on my mood and my outfit. My favourites are frames that have a slightly retro feel, and I feel comfortable in this range...” 
Eva is a 39 year old actress, model, singer and she's even got her fingers in homeware designing, quite busy if you ask me...
Please do yourself a favour and go see the following movies: Once upon a time in Mexico, Out of time and Girl in Progress if you haven't seen it before and if you have, it's fantastic movies to watch again, lol (that's what I do)...
Some behind the scenes pics, how I wished that I could've taken the pics myself...

I must say, well done Ms. Mendes, another project well expedited and great work.
Till next time chickas.

Photo credit: The Style insider; Eyewear Daily and obviously Google, lol.