Thursday 21 February 2013

When does one start a count down?

Oh well, it's been tough and hectic, everything has just been going kakkies my side, but I can atleast celebrate a few things.

Haven't posted a review of 2012 as yet even, because I've been trying to write it for the past 2 months I think. Keep on erasing and replacing and re-typing stuff, but that is still coming, lol. (Is it late, well, not to me, it's still gonna be my review, lol).

Well, this post is about everything that happened over the past 2/3 weeks and sommer also about everything in general, lol. Damn, crazy, I know, but bare with me, lol.

Anyhoo, the count down started officially for when I will be done here in the current department. I don't really know whether there is a criteria or specific requirement or specification as to when one can start a count down, but well, mine started today and it's gonna last a month, lol.

Time for new adventures and new experiences. I will be back, I guess sooner then later, but for now, I need a breather. Yes, its 2013 and time for new experiences and a lot more sacrafices in order to achieve that. Will be starting a new job on then 2nd of April 2013, but my count down started today till the 21st of March 2013 (Namibia's Independence day), because that's the day that I will be done in this office... sad, but time to move on...

Then I am overly excited to see my friend (Nafeesa) coming on the 3rd of March, lol, will be picking her up at the airport!!!! (Jump for joy, lol)... I smell a road trip by the end of March, lol.


Oh boy, can you guys remember how nail bitting crazy my exam's were, I think I've mentioned it somewhere here!!! Well, I am glad to tell you that I've passed all my modules, am so happy about that, with everything I went through at the time, but yeah, hardwork do pay off hey? We should just never give up, never ever in our lives.

I wonder what the problem is with the weather in Namibia, god dammit, it's hot and we haven't really received any rain thus far, hope that things will get better soonest.

And then we heard about Oscar Pistorius, quite sad though, but well, let's hear and see what the judges/law have to say about that, neither of us were there and worst of all Reeva also can't testify to say what really happened, so it's OP and evidence.

Well chickas, it's 2013 and a wonderful year with so many opportunities and so many good things with a lot of challenges though, but nothing is worth it, if we didn't work hard for it, so let's do this: "Vamos dar o ano por os chifres."

Till later chickas...
