Tuesday 24 July 2012

Olympic games to kick off 27th of July 2012.

The London Olympics opening ceremony will be a grand spectacle — but will it be a surprise?

So, coming Friday, the 27th of July 2012 at around 9pm, the opening ceeremony of the Olympic games will kick off with the sound of a 27 ton bell. The largest harmonically tuned bell in the world — forged at London’s 442-year-old Whitechapel Bell Foundry, which made London’s Big Ben and Philadelphia’s Liberty Bell.

The opening theme is: “Isles of Wonder,” inspired by William Shakespeare. Interesting indeed.

Amelia Hempleman-Adams poses with the Olympic Flame on top of a London Eye pod on the Torch Relay leg through London.

I've been following the relay of the Torch for like more then 52 days, and it is amazing who participated in this relay, which is really fantastic. I believe that this Olympic games are going to be shared by a lot of celebrities and friends.

I wonder whether the royalties will also attend the ceremony or whether they'll be seen somewhere at the Olympic games.

Tower Bridge over the Thames River displays the iconic Olympic rings to welcome athletes, spectators and visitors to the 2012 Summer Games.

So, the count down for myself started Sunday, and now there's only like 4 or 3 and a half days left, yipppeeee.

So, if you try to contact me and you can't get a hold of me, just know that I will be in London attending the Olympic games, really sorry...

Till later chikas.
